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Lurker No More! - WalleyeWiper - 12-10-2005

I couldn't take it any more. I couldn't sleep at night. Reading posts with no posts of my own. You shamed me into posting. Anyway, after mainly fishing willard for wipers through the summer, I plan on doing some ice grinding now and will post results. One question though, it seems as though a lot of people posting fish UL from shore or tubes for catfish. I have seen a couple of the recent posts from the pump house, but isn't there good ice fishing in the marina at the State Park? It would seem the deeper, dredged out areas going into the marina might be good. Anyway, planning on the pump house or marina tomorrow morning. Not an expert, but experimenter.[Smile]

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - BearLakeMack - 12-10-2005

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Welcome to the board, WalleyeWiper. Glad to have you here![/size][/black][/font]

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - Theekillerbee - 12-10-2005

Glad you jumped in the water! I've only fished UL on the soft deck, so I can't be of much help with the ice. Good luck when you go down there though.

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - Jedburton - 12-10-2005

welcome aboard

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - fencekid - 12-10-2005

glad to have you bro-ha! welcome aboard. i'm in the same boat as killerbee, soft deck experience only. i hope you go out and nail 'em tomarrow. good luck. laters

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - Hellsangler69 - 12-10-2005

Welcome aboard . I'll be at the pumphouse this morning . Never tried the state park harbor ice but I would think it would be good too . Any of the harbors would be a good choice to fish .

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - IdahoNative - 12-10-2005

Welcome to the board and good luck.

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - Kent - 12-10-2005

Welcome to BFT -- not to worry the Utah State Park marina is a popular ice fishing spot.

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - utwalleye - 12-10-2005

Hey, welcome dude. I've always done good at A.F. harbor ice fishing. we've caught crappie, bluegills and white bass. usinig kastmaster or pimples tipped with wax/meal worms. later chuck

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - Out4Trout - 12-11-2005

Glad I could do my part...[Tongue] [cool]Seriously though, welcome aboard BFT/Utah-the best source of fishing reports in Utah! Looking foward to your reports, comments, jokes, and anything else you feel like posting regarding fishing! Good luck at U.L.!

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - fishin4fun - 12-11-2005

Welcome to the board, you will quickly see that being a member is ALOT better than a lurker. Great stuff and people on here.

Tight Lines - F4F

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - fshslyer36 - 12-11-2005

Yea welcome aboard this is the best site ive been on

Re: [WalleyeWiper] Lurker No More! - IceFishingGod - 12-11-2005

Welcome aboard, I'd help but the most experieince I've had with UL is driving by it on I-15.