Chlorinate the Gulf?? - Printable Version +- Fishing Forum ( +-- Forum: Misc. Fishing Forums ( +--- Forum: Fishing Preservation & Conservation ( +--- Thread: Chlorinate the Gulf?? (/showthread.php?tid=237338) |
Chlorinate the Gulf?? - Protectthegulf - 01-10-2006 Hi! My name is Pat, and I’m with the Gulf Restoration Network. Please take a second to protect our sport in the Gulf. While the Gulf is already under much strain, Shell Oil company continues to work towards implementing plans for an open-loop LNG facility off the Texas and Louisiana coast. The open-loop design would chlorinate 195 million gallons of seawater a day and will kill billions of fish eggs, larva, and zooplankton, negatively affecting important fisheries and the whole Gulf ecosystem. Fortunately, there are easy, fish-friendly alternatives that exist. Oil companies are using them in New England and California, but not here in the Gulf. Recreational fishermen and the fishing industry obviously stand to lose the most from this assault. With all that has already happened in the last few months, the last thing the fishing community needs is degradation of precious resources! To take easy action on and learn more about this issue, click the link: [url ""][/url] Or visit our website, [url ""][/url] We will be holding all types of events to spread the word about Shell’s plan to use fish-killing technology. For more information, please contact Pat Millham at [url "mailto ![]() [signature] Re: [Protectthegulf] Chlorinate the Gulf?? - tubeN2 - 01-11-2006 That is unfortunate that the oil company would have so much disregaurd for our angling community.[pirate] I will move this to the preservationa and conservation board so that other concerned anglers can respond appropriately.[blush] [signature] Re: [Protectthegulf] Chlorinate the Gulf?? - davetclown - 01-11-2006 I edited your post to fix the your web site link, adding the period at the end messes up the link. You think that with all the sun and wind resorces available for free there they could have come up with a way for runing their cooling system through a referigeratored cooling system which wouldnt be so invacive on the enviornment. I emagine they are going to use the clorine to kill of all the stuff that is causing the red tieds from their other cooling systems. I am not sure why they need cooling systems that invacive anyway, the refieneries up here dont run off the great lakes waterways. [signature] Re: [Protectthegulf] Chlorinate the Gulf?? - snook.hooker - 01-12-2006 What is the EPA's stance on this? What about the states' fisheries/Dept of Nat. Resources/Wildlife departments? I work at a power plant on the gulf coast, and it uses gulf water for cooling - without chlorination. Why would these LNG terminals have to use it? I've got some research to do... Keep fighting the good fight! Paul aka Snook.Hooker [signature] Re: [snook.hooker] Chlorinate the Gulf?? - davetclown - 01-15-2006 Dumb question, is it posible that the water temp got to 100 degrees and is the cause of the unknown sorce of the red tides on the floridas west coast? do know off hand what the tempreture of the waters that are released usualy is? it could have some bearing on culturing bacteria that is also hasardous. I am not batting for gulf oil industry, I am just as curious as you. we just a major blow to our water protection here in the detroit area. aperently the mayor mismanaged the moneys so a federal judge took away the mayors athority to govern over the detroit water and sewage systems and gave them to a chemical corp CEO and a past Governer of michingan who was by the way part of one of the biggest bio hasard scandles in the united states, the results of his dinial of michigans cattal being poisened by PBB (a fire retardent man made chemical the is not biodegradable). hundreds of millions of cattle died new born dead on arevel and or deformed. the rest of the world had banned michigan cattle 3 years before milliken would admit there was something wrong with the cows feed. the final end of the cattle was they were collected slotered and burried near gaylord michigan. now tell me why a federal judge would order that a CEO of a chemical plant and a person known of mismanaging a chemical mishap be placed in charge of detroits sewage and water treatment system? If that dosnt scare the dowgfish cheese out of ya I dont know what will. I mean they have finaly gotten the hudson river toxic levels down from the mismanagemant they had there and now detroit is about to dump and send them right back to square one. I personaly can testify to millikens wrong doings because I remember the news broadcast of farmers dieing their children dieing new born children being born deformed and still born. I remember milliken saying there was nothing wrong with the cows or the cattle feed and that he was eating the beef himself. the governer of michigan has opened toxic well dump sites in detroit for corporations to bring their waist from all over the country that cant be treated and dumped in to her money pits. things are getting vary vary scarry around here. I wonder how much of that stuff will get dumped in to the river from companies who dont want to dump in to her wells? our past governer ingler striped the michigans Department of water quality athority to prosicute and leaving the athority to local governments. an example of this is the state of michigan just spent a couple million dollars cleaning up an oil spill on the detroit river yet the state of michigan did not have the athority to investigate in the city of detroit to find who did the dumping, and ofcorse the city of detroit said that no one put up a million dollar reward to find the persons involved so they were not going to look for them. I guess I am ranting and raveing again. but it is one of my pet peves, I hate food poising. had it more times than I want to count. dumping toxics in the river and in holes in the ground is poisening all of our food. [signature] |