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LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Printable Version

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LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006

[cool] Heres some pics from this years trip !!

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...5vAKawVHL3]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006


[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...7JI9fdQGkz]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006

[cool] KEITH

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...ZSyNP549d8]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006

[cool] ELOI

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...yeQybUqTeI]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006

[cool] TYLER

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...5gewJH!Esl]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006


[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...pJ11xl!0Q7]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-20-2006

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...8JiG8DBFZw]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - theangler - 03-20-2006


Looks like you had a blast!

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-21-2006

[Smile] We had a great trip , and the weather was great !!

We caught 2-42''
and several smaller ones , and alot that got away LOL !!

P.S I'll have more pics when I get my film developed


Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Snags_Alot - 03-21-2006

Excellent size Pike

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-21-2006

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...jFw0SaL!5H]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-21-2006

[Image: Image.aspx?Image=mqkSFy3d5JCVeSePjClP9YT...AmvyavjtuQ]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - davetclown - 03-22-2006

nice cat....

Pike aint to shabby either... Man I gotta hit the lottery one of these days so I can make that trip....

was that all in a week? and did you pull any thing else up out of them holes while ya was there?

Re: [davetclown] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-23-2006

[cool] That was done in 3 days , with one of the days being slow !! We also caught burbot , if you wanna call them a fish !! LOL !!!!


Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Kraizee_Skot - 03-25-2006

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]Those are awesome looking fish! Way to git'r dun. I will have to go try that one day before I have to fish in the magical pond upstairs.[/#ff4040][/font]

Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - davetclown - 03-26-2006

When was your trip? (date)

Re: [davetclown] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - Flagmanonice - 03-26-2006

[cool] March 16th -18 th , just a couple of weeks ago !! Will have more pics when I get My film used up !! I'm heading out now to do some tullippee fishing , so long !!


Re: [Flagmanonice] LAKE OF THE WOODS PIKE - DrownedDesertRat - 03-31-2006

Thanks for letting me know about the trip. I actually could have made it this year!!!

Grrrrr... see if I ever offer myself up for humiliation and poking fun at again.

Tell Eloi and his bro that I miss those crazy Kanucks!

Don't get so busy this summer. We need to go out on open-water together still.