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Can Fish Drown? - Printable Version

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Can Fish Drown? - duke-i - 04-13-2006

[Tongue] , You can look for the answer in a few days. For now we would like to here from you, on what it might be. A "yes" or "no" will not do, please explane why. Now let's see what you know or are willing to look up. Maybe your answer will be better than mine.

Re: [duke-i] Can Fish Drown? - davetclown - 04-14-2006

I will take a stab in the dark on this one. let me know if I pass

not only can they, they do quite often.

there are a number of conditions that cause them to drown, from being knocked unconcous buy dinamite and lightning striking the water. a fish dose not sleep, their brains are not geared that way, they dont have seperate concencess the way mamels and other reptiles do.

if they do not regain conceness with in a minute or two they drown of for a better term sufficate due to lack of oxigen to the brain.

there is another condition that causes drowning closer to the term that every one is fimilar with. It is caused by environmental conditions. What happens is oxigen is depleated from the water. This happens for a number of conditions as well. [ul] [li]Oxigen is depleated from water as the water tempreture rises, [/li] [li]To many fish living in a small pond can depleate oxigen levels. this happens more in winter under iced over conditions in small ponds, or biger lakes when the winter freezes creates thicker ice. the thicker the ice becomes the less oxigen is left below the ice for the fish to breath. [/li] [li]after passing the summer apex plant life in the water begin to use oxigen in the water as aposed to producing it. the process of decay uses oxigen and creates carben dioxide.[/li][/ul]
This is the main reason why you will see fountains and airators in small ponds and small lakes. Airators will provide oxigen to the lake during the winter and summer months during high stress periods.

shallow ponds are more in need of having airators due to over heating. the temp of a shallow pond can reach temps of ten degrees less than the air temp. so when you hit a hundred degree day the temp can hit ninty, if you hit a hundred and ten degree day, and you dont have an airator or fountain in your pond every thing has just been cooked.

fountains can be of numorus types, most comon are the sprinkling shower types and the trickling bubbling water fall types.


Re: [duke-i] Can Fish Drown? - duke-i - 04-16-2006

[Sad] We have over twenty of you look at this question, and one responce. let's try for more. Maybe we can get some of us talking about something. My thought on this will will be soon.[sly]

Re: [duke-i] Can Fish Drown? - duke-i - 04-20-2006

[Wink] Yes they can. Fish like people, need Oxygen to live. There is oxygen in the air and the water. But most of you know that. When a person drowns, it's because the supply of oxygen from the air has ben cut off in the water, so you die.

Fish breathe through there gills rather than lungs. Gills can extract oxygen from the water, but not from the air. When a fish is out of water, it soon drowns from lack of oxygen, the gills no longer function.

This is a thought, do you sit and watch them suffer?, or do you knock them over the head and put them out fast?.

But most put them in a live box, for extermanation later, and for eating. That is why we go out and try to fool them onto the hook in the first place.

[Smile] We all know that most of the fish out there, can fool us most of the time. There have been lots of times I come home with none. And the wife is smart to have a can of beans in for supper.

Now lets go out and drown some bait, and try to fool that big one.