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Red Paper Clip - Printable Version

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Red Paper Clip - davetclown - 04-19-2006

willing to traid my red paper clip for a new house.

will settle for a new bass boat...

ok you guys saw this one already.....[sly]

cant hurt to try....LOL

Re: [davetclown] Red Paper Clip - snook.hooker - 04-20-2006

If your red paper clip is holding a $300k stack of bearer bonds, you have a deal!

Re: [snook.hooker] Red Paper Clip - davetclown - 04-29-2006

as a matter of a fact it doese. I keep it stored in my clasic monopoly game bank tray. [Tongue]

so how is the fishing out side the back door?

did you see that guy on the news who whas trading his way up to a new house? he started with a red paper clip, he is now up to a years free lease for a house in colorado.... he is now looking to traid up.....

any one here think he will make it?

Re: [davetclown] Red Paper Clip - snook.hooker - 04-30-2006

Haven't seen that one, dave, where is he doing that?

Re: [snook.hooker] Red Paper Clip - davetclown - 05-01-2006

he is doing it on the internet.

I saw him on good morning america.