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Excellent read on 'da berry... - Printable Version

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Excellent read on 'da berry... - Out4Trout - 07-10-2006

[cool]Here's an update on this Spring's gilnet study and the state of the cuts, chubs, etc. Things are looking really good up there. The DWR really has their crap together on strawberry these days...

[url ",1249,640192068,00.html"],1249,640192068,00.html[/url]

There's also a decent read on Mirror Lake in there.

Re: [Out4Trout] Excellent read on 'da berry... - Widastick - 07-12-2006

[Smile]Thanks for the up date about the chubs. I was at the Berry last last weekend and saw a ton of chubs around. I was a little worried but sounds like they are keeping them under control. Thanks. Mike[sly]

Re: [Widastick] Excellent read on 'da berry... - GEEZER - 07-12-2006

Man that works with me was up there only a week ago & he told me that early one morning his finder was going nuts & showing a big mass close to the surface. He looked overboard & could see them by the bajillions as he put it, so he baited a hook with a piece of worm & immediately hooked up with a chub about 11" long. He did this several more times with similar results. That's kinda scary because this guy isn't one that won't tell it straight. The subject only came up because we were explaining the idea for the slot limit to another fellow employee & when I mentioned the newspaper article about it and its success is when I got called up short.

Re: [Out4Trout] Excellent read on 'da berry... - fuzzyfisher - 07-14-2006

sounds to me like a bunch of suger coated fluff to cover over a problem that is never going away!!

if the DWR would spend even a 1/4 of the time and resorces on some other lakes that have a chance of doing good.. as they do on that stink hole..

we would have alot better fishing all over the state!!