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Skunked again by the Berry - Printable Version

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Skunked again by the Berry - Majja - 10-16-2006

I guess that place hates me. The wife and I went up yesterday to Jakes and had no luck, but it was still a good time gave the new tube a work out. Man I love it? Much better than the old round doughnut I had been borrowing. I put the wife on Wasatch801's Toon as she never has been in a float tube before. She did not care too much for the rowing so she just kicked around. Swapped her out and she loved the tube. So I guess there will be another tube in our future, but not until next year. As for the Fishing we used white and Chartreuse tubes, swimming minnow, and I even through a couple of spinners. Still it beat sitting here in my cubicle.


Re: [Majja] Skunked again by the Berry - ironworker - 10-16-2006

did you tip your tube jig with a piece of crawler or minnow.
that always works for me.

Re: [Majja] Skunked again by the Berry - Fishcrazy - 10-16-2006

What weight jighead did you use?where did you fish?Was their any wind?The fishing has been good a Jakes Bay.Will try and help you if you want.No charge[Wink]

Re: [Majja] Skunked again by the Berry - Hellsangler69 - 10-17-2006

I was just curious if you have a fishfinder so you can see the bottom . I always did good in Jakes bay this time of year . Finding the edge of the weeds is a good way to find the fish . Look for channels in the weeds were you can cast into . Usually the edge is about 30 feet deep but find a channel going to the deep edge and you may have fish on every cast . I may drag out the tube or boat to see if I can still do it next weekend . My opinion is tubes are better than pontoons . Much rather fight the wind in a tube .

Re: [Hellsangler69] Skunked again by the Berry - Majja - 10-17-2006

As to the tipping the tubes that is a no, I forgot the crawlers, i set them on teh back bumper as i was packig and left them there .. oops. I do not have a Fish Finder yet. I will be ordering on very very soon. the conditions were, Clear with a slight breeze adn just some small ripples in the water. I was using 1/8, adn 1/16 oz jig heads in white and glow in the dark.

Re: [Hellsangler69] Skunked again by the Berry - flygoddess - 10-17-2006

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]To each there own, I would rather be in my Pontoon, specially on Strawberry. If the legs get tired, got the oars, plus a lot more flotation under me if it gets too bad.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I have been on a SFC on the Berry and my Cardiac can move just as quick with flippers and flies with oars, and yes i CAN MANEUVER just as easy.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Plus, I am not sitting in the water[Wink][/size][/black][/font]

Re: [Majja] Skunked again by the Berry - Hellsangler69 - 10-18-2006

You can still catch fish with out bait . I do it all the time . I might put some smelly jelly on when I remember . I didn't try the bait thing till I fished with MGB back in the day . I don't vertical jig much . I work it thru the water . Curly tail jigs I just cast and reel to make them swim . Don't rule out spoons like the Jakes can be good too . Watch for fish on the water . The bigger fish you may only see there nose break the surface on the water but if you cast near them good chance you will hook up .

Re: [Majja] Skunked again by the Berry - Wasatch801 - 10-21-2006

"...gave the new tube a work out. Man I love it? Much better than the old round doughnut I had been borrowing." MATT, Quit ur baggin on my old Buck's donut! That thing has caught more fish than you have!!! LMAO [Wink][sly][laugh] [/reply]