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What is a banana trout? - Printable Version

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What is a banana trout? - bdn06 - 01-08-2007

Is this a golden trout? Genus/species?

Re: [bdn06] What is a banana trout? - Fishhound - 01-09-2007

[black][size 3]Oncorhynchus mykiss - AKA Rainbow trout.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Banana trout are rainbow trout with a lack of melanin pigment and that gives them a light yellow color - like albinos. But, they are not true albinos - one difference, they don't have red eyes. [/size][/black]

Re: [Fishhound] What is a banana trout? - bdn06 - 01-09-2007

Wow. Never heard of them--are they common? I have seen them referenced here several times. My guess is they have been selectively raised and inhabit certain areas?

Re: [bdn06] What is a banana trout? - EZOP - 04-10-2007

I took this picture of a trout at the aquarium in Denver. I was thinking it was a Golden Trout, but I couldn't swear on it.
[inline trout.jpg]

Re: [EZOP] What is a banana trout? - bendopolo - 12-27-2007

They call them Lightning Trout out here. At first I thought that the Cormorants would just eat those up first because they are so visible. After finally catching some I found them to be quite different than a regular Rainbow.They remind me more of a Triploid style but the hatchery says they are a mutation of only 1 color producing gene. These fish were all stockier in build and just plain stronger. And Silver-white with that red stripe. I wish they would send more out this way, I like them.

Re: [EZOP] What is a banana trout? - trophytrout89 - 09-15-2009

Never seen one of those before. I'd like to catch one of those someday.

Re: [bdn06] What is a banana trout? - wyominfish - 03-26-2012

wow those are awesome, now i wanna find were i can catch one. Which will in turn will make me hate gas prices even