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Flaming Reort - Hellsangler69 - 02-05-2007

Took the day off friday to have cable TV installed . Had everything wrapped up at home by 1:00pm , so I pack the truck and made a mad dash for Green River , Wyoming . Arrived About 4:45 and check in to my room and went searchin' for my Gorge Pass and Sticker . Still some daylight in the sky so I went to Buckboard to see if I could find it . Wind blowing like crazy but decided to try some night fishing right off the boat ramp in 30' of water . Didn't take long to see fish and get a few nibbles and bingo my first fish was a burbot . Missed a few more bites and finally hook a bow . Nice fish with hooked jaw and about 20" long . Would of took a pic but it broke me off at the top of the hole and wasn't going to get my arm wet for a fish I was going to release .Ended up with 3 burbot and the bow for the night and went back to Green River to warm up . Answering service sucks at Mustang Motel . I didn't receive a call from them on the phone so I started late and didn't get to Buckboard till 9:00am in the morning . Buckboard ice is 18"+ and cold . My first time to the Gorge so I was checking out the area and found some deeper water to find some macks . Not any people at all there , crowds must be south . Fished for about 5 hours and finally hooked a dink mack , but it was better than skunk for me . Forgot my bibs in the motel so I headed back to Green River and warmed up some more for the night . Made it back to Buckboard and found a shorter route to get to the water I was trekking to . Punched about 20 holes in different depths to pursue the burbot and maybe a trout . Right as the sun went down I started getting hits . Not sure what it was but broke me off twice in 58' of water . So I work closer to shore after it slowed down out deep . Found 36' of water working best for me and hooked another 10 burbots . Missed lots hits all night long but the cold and wind drove me off the ice about 9:30 pm . Finally found my wireless internet with my laptop right next to the window in my room . Arrived at Buckboard again because of lack of time . Headed to the same water the night before that broke me off . Fished it for a spell and had some hits but looked like smaller burbot on the vex . So I trek to the river channel for some more mac action . Anything would be better than my dink mac from the day before . Hooked another mac suspended about 25' off the bottom . Only 16"er . Kept one jig on the bottom at 78' and one I moved up and down the water column . Hooked one up on the bottom and what a fight it was to get him up . Only turned out to be 21"er but it was a better fight than any cutt from the berry . I hooked about 8 bows before I went home 20' down below the ice . Another fish broke me off again but I think that rod only had 4# test . Biggest burbot was 21" and they seem to get some size on them after 16" but lot were smaller and skinny . Small tube jigs 1.5" in white and glow and jig heads in glow colors work with sucker or chub . I feel sucker meat worked better . First time there so I just glad I didn't get that skunk on me but I could of done all night without that dam wind . I heard that lost dog out there if someone is looking for them , in fact I heard several coyotes howling .

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - wiperhunter2 - 02-05-2007

Great report Randy, you did good for your first trip to the Gorge. Sounds like the trick to catching those burbot is fishing late. When you caught them were you fishing in a rocky area?

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - Theekillerbee - 02-05-2007

Sounds pretty darn good for a first time trip to such a big lake. Glad you hooked into some fish. Are you going to eat the burbot?

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - RILEYFISH - 02-05-2007

Nice report Hells,

Glad you left peppy back here so he would not ruin your trip.

You will get the big one of these days. Called payin your dues!

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - MGB - 02-05-2007

Thanks for the report Randy. Do those Burbot put up a good fight ?

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - fsh4fun05 - 02-05-2007

It sounds like you did pretty good for your first time to the Gorge. I was heading there in a couple of weeks for my first time but I decided to trade for some Lake Fork bass. Any idea on how long the ice will stay on the George? And just to throw out a couple more ?'s how is the mack fishing after ice off, and when do you think the ice will come off?
I don't mean to hijack your post, I haven't been to the Gorge since I was a kid and I keep putting it off.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Flaming Reort - Hellsangler69 - 02-05-2007

Yes , it was rocky from what I could tell . I did talk to a guy that come from Squaw Hollow and he hooked a bigger burbot about 28" in 100 FOW in the daylight .
I even seen tracks from a truck on the ice . It looked good but I decide not to .[cool]
The Burbot put up a good fight but the mac and bows was the best . I tried to see if I could get a Koke but All I hooked up on closer to the ice was bows . I could see the zooplankton on the vex and fished a rat finkee in the zone .

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - Kent - 02-05-2007

Randy you did great for a newbie to FG.

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - Coldfooter - 02-05-2007

Glad you got into fish Randy!! Thats great. I've yet to whack a burb and their on my target list altho I havent really fished areas known for them yet. Might have to do that the first of next month tho.. BTW,,What a wuss, the W was far worse Thursday.. [Tongue]
On the other side of the coin I drove down to the pond Thursday and with the W so nasty the day was bagged and I parked it at me friend's place where the coffee was hot. [Wink]

If you'd come south we might have ran into each other. Of course I was 2 to 5 miles from any ramp 90% of the time during day light hours so without a machine the walk would have been long one....

The big bite was tough all weekend. Lookers, few takers. Some days ya gets em.. Some days ya dont.. Thats Mackin'.

Re: [Coldfooter] Flaming Reort - Hellsangler69 - 02-06-2007

I heard rumor you were trying to fish this weekend from a Manila source . I should of just jumped in my truck and started searching for ya . I miss my wheeler for sure . I'm kinda shy on the ice and I didn't want you to see where my honey holes were . [Tongue] Dam coyotes must of thinned out the wabbits up north . I search for them to tie up some jigs but not a one found . I did pick up a jig at Buckboard I nicknamed turbo Power bait jig and found the smaller macks will eat it so not to bad of a trip . Sunday morning was nice weather but I only could fish for 3 hours right when I figured out how to get them to hit . Wife ticks me off I may be there next weekend .[Wink]

Re: [Hellsangler69] Flaming Reort - Coldfooter - 02-07-2007

Yeah I wandered the lower areas of valley for a few days but no need to worry bout yer honey holes. I couldnt find the pond half the time..

Dam those dogs for stealing all the bunnies and their tails!

Careful my friend,, if ya make to many trips to FG it can give ya the runs. I hear theres something in the water that causes it...