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A New Season Awaits ! - Printable Version

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A New Season Awaits ! - JollyRogerTcbo1 - 03-02-2003

[pirate] Hello From The JollyRogerTcbo1,
Ah yes, the joy of knowing that March is here, teamed-up with the knowledge that "Ice Out" is just around the corner, bringing with it warmer temps and the fact that the Striper Northern Migration will soon be upon us! Along with the Stripers will be hordes of Mackeral, Shad, and assorted other baitfish that will be our companions and allies to catch the elusive Striper, as well as ravenous Bluefish and other species of tasty morsels from the Sea. Getting up before dawn to head down to the coast and wetting a line, breathing deeply of saltwater impregnated air, enjoying the sounds and sights of gulls diving down to pick the remnants of baitfished pushed to the surface by underwater predators.

How I look forward to this time of the year, especially after a Classic Maine Winter as we have had this year. I too my friend, have recently gone through my tackle box, checking to see what needs replenishing, spiffing up the rods, oiling up the reels, all in anticipation for what is about to soon unfold. Feels great doesn't it! I can picture it now, as I tap the keys of this PC. Oh how I hunger for it, tossing a topwater lure, as the sun is rising, into a baitfish pod near the surface, knowing that a Striper could bust the surface at any moment, or catching enough Mackeral to save for the platter to be cooked, as well as use for chum and bait, in attracting the big one!

That's enough now, I've worked myself into a frenzy. I am ready to go. And suddenly I realize, "Oh Shit, the river is still frozen and there is at leat 2 feet of snow outside waiting to be melted"! Ah well, the joy of imagination. Pretty soon now though, reality will sink in, and the imagination will part and mother nature will turn this Winter wonderland into a Fisherman's Paradise. Thank God for the change of seasons!

May you be blessed with tight lines and a full creel to end your day. There is nothing like being an avid Fisherman!


"The Striper Maine-iac" [pirate]