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Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - Printable Version

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Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - Out4Trout - 02-25-2007

[cool]Bass Ackward and I hit Lake X and instead of going where the crowds go, we thought we'd do something different this time. Went back towards the personal watercraft area, and then East towards that big long point/island. The fishing was very slow for perch, but we soon found out why, as Mike hooked into a big brown, got him up to just under the ice. I had my coat already off and my sleeves rolled up to help get this big brute up through the hole, when all of a sudden, the fish gave a couple of big head shakes, and sheered off Mike's week 6lb test flourocarbon line right under the ice. [pirate][pirate][mad]. Man that sucked. The fish was easily 25 inches and probably 5-6lbs, but maybe thicker than that.

I hooked up with a 20 incher that I got through the ice (see pic), and Mike later got a 15 incher as well as hooking into a big one AGAIN!!
[inline "20 inch brown.jpg"]
Talk about lucky second chances-might have even been the same damn fish that broke him off earlier. Well, you guessed it, Mike with his tight drag setting let this one break him off too. This time I didn't get to see him as I was on my way over to help, once I realized how big this thing was as Mike's tip of the rod was in the hole. Was already to get my hands down there and help out again, but it broke him off. Needless to say, the language coming out of Mike's mouth was not friendly, LOL!!

We ended up with about 7 or 8 perch, a couple of slimers on the ice, and a couple of GREAT fish stories of "The two that got away." Darn that Mike, I was commenting to him about how he always hooks up a big one like that, but manages to lose him just under the ice. This happenend at the berry two or three years ago too, with he and CBR both losing big ones right under the ice. Me, hell I don't even get the pleasure of hooking into a brute like that...Just big cats. THat's the only big fish I ever get to do battle with...[pirate] Oh well, there's always next trip...

Re: [Out4Trout] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - KJFN - 02-25-2007

Great report and stories. I guess you will just have to start fishing with crappie rotten old 6lbs test line if you want to hook any big ones!

Re: [Out4Trout] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - Igottabigone - 02-26-2007

How come you call it Lake X?

Re: [Igottabigone] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - Out4Trout - 02-26-2007

[cool]I believe it was Tomegun or Predator that started calling it that kind of a joke, and also so that lurkers "guests" wouldn't know where they caught those nice smallies in the pictures at, but those of us that have been there before weren't fooled, at least not for long. Some of us BFT vets still call it that (for example, see TubeDude's report from about a week or so ago).

Re: [Out4Trout] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - TubeDude - 02-26-2007

[cool][#0000ff]I thought you guys still call it Lake X because of all the yellow Xs you have left on the ice to "GPS" your good spots.[/#0000ff]

Re: [KJFN] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - BassAckward - 02-26-2007

First off Geoff is up in the night (nothing new there). I was useing good 8 lb test first off . I had 2 rods one had 6lb the other had 8lb and that was the one that was hooking fish. Anyways fishing was fun would expect for the part of geoff being there [Wink].
Remember what I say!

Re: [TubeDude] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - Out4Trout - 02-26-2007

[cool]LOL! Hey, don't knock Mike and I's poor man GPS system...

Re: [BassAckward] Lake X Brown's (report) 2/24/07 - TubeDude - 02-26-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Fluorocarbon is no good for ice fishing...especially if you hook large active fish that thrash around a lot just under the ice. FC has little stretch (shock resistance) and will snap easily.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You do not need the "clarity" of FC under the ice either. When fishing at the depths you guys were fishing, you could use wire leader without spooking the fish. I know because I am using wire leaders on some little dangly teardrop glow jigs I make and they are whackin' the fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I still stick with Excalibur. And, I can still claim that I have never had a fish break off...even some several times heavier than the rated line strength.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Actually, the problem was with the reel...loose nut on the handle. [/#0000ff]