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Story about draggers, influence to CT!!! - Printable Version

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Story about draggers, influence to CT!!! - gdn443 - 03-18-2007

Hi Guys,

My name is John Rice. I am a commercial fisherman from Centerville,
Ma., on Cape Cod. I am writing you for your assistance in a situation
which, after I explain it, you will no doubt be concerned.

Thursday, there was a meeting of the Ma. Marine Fisheries Commission,
in Gloucester. I have attached the agenda for the meeting.(below

One item "Recommendation for action on public petition to increase mobile gear access to Collier’s Ledge, south of Cape
Cod", listed in action items, is of serious concern. This public
petition was first heard of last spring at public hearings, before the
spring squid season, it was submitted by two draggermen, one from
Hyannis and one from Marshfield. The petition, as written was a request
to an extension on access inside the three mile line for an additional
week, specifically, the first week of May. The Marine Fisheries
Commission Chair, Vito Calomo, told fishermen and DMF at the public
hearings that he would like to see some sort of compromise to be made.

A little background is in order I suppose.

The squid trawl fishery in Nantucket Sound open's annually beginning
April 23, when draggers are allowed to access the area inside the three
mile line, more specifically, a straight line drawn between Succonesset
Pt., Mashpee and Point Gammon, Great Island, Yarmouth. It is important
to note that previous to 1990, the draggers had not been lawfully able
to fish above that line at all since 1938 and the access was only
granted as a concession by DMF in 1990, who at the time stated that
they (DMF) were unable to enforce the regulations due to a lack of
enforcement capability. Several trawlers told DMF at public hearing
that they had been fishing inside, illegally during the last week of
April for several years. traditionally the trawlers have to stay
outside this line after May 1'st, however they can still [url ""][blue][size 2]fish[/size][/blue][/url] state
waters ( and federal with proper permits) using small mesh (squid mesh)
until the end of squid season which has been varied in it's end date
and is at the discretion of DMF, but typically is June 15'th. This
decision by the Marine Fisheries Commission changes this.

The DMF was willing to recommend that the trawlers be given an extra
week inside the line, but before the normal opening, not after. Many
more persons commenting publicly were against any extension of access
at all. The commission was in a tie vote when this was voted on and
there was a commissioner not present who would definitely have voted
for the DMF's recommendation and the earlier start. The Chair, who
typically doesn't vote, broke the tie in favor of the later extension.

This will have extremely negative consequences for Nantucket Sound and
surrounding waters. The way it work now, there is a 2500 lb. trip limit
for loligo squid, because 80% of the federal quota has been caught by
the time the April opening occurs, but May 1'st is the beginning of a
new quota period and there is no [url ""][blue][size 2]trip[/size][/blue][/url] limit until 80% is reached again.
The squid will be highly concentrated in the area in question at the
time in question and catch rates will be terrific. This will displace
many recreational fishermen, many many charter and party [url ""][blue][size 2]boat[/size][/blue][/url]
operators, this will affect the fish availability locally and nearby as
scup, sea bass, fluke and of course, striped bass all follow the squid
and a lack of food for them equals a lack of fish for everyone.

What I'd like from you- your help in getting the word out. I need to
get people to contact DMF and let them know they are mad about this. If
there is a most popular forum at your site, that you feel this would
attract the most attention, please, let me know, I will write something
brief there,along with pertinent contact info.

I appreciate your time, I realize this is a little long winded.

Best regards ,

John Rice