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day 2 of the bellingham derby, - Printable Version

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day 2 of the bellingham derby, - DJFISHS2XS - 07-15-2007

Much nicer seas today..Syd just couldnt make it. So I took my good friend conner,,,we caught 5 keepers but nothing of any size,,,we kept a 9 and a 13... heres a pic of conner holding both fish,,Im off to get some sleep

Re: [DJFISHS2XS] day 2 of the bellingham derby, - davetclown - 08-18-2007

looks like a respectable catch..

and comp connor on the hawk, havent seen one of those is a long time...

not that it is any of my business, is the hawk a heritage thing or just a fashon statement.

Re: [davetclown] day 2 of the bellingham derby, - DJFISHS2XS - 08-21-2007

conner lost a bet with his brother, his hair is regular now,,,funny thing is Conner's brother Jason lost a bet with Conners girlfriend they were both sporten hawks for a week...just shows what total lack of self control and the depth of competition in my circle of friends added to a beer frenzy will get a guy in trouble from time to time..

Re: [DJFISHS2XS] day 2 of the bellingham derby, - davetclown - 08-21-2007

[center]thats hilarryous.....[laugh][/center] [center] [/center] [center]Good thing they didnt add the color pink to the bet, they be sproting flimingo's [sly][/center]