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Election 2008! - Flycasting - 08-12-2007

Battle lines are being drawn! Democrats are having nightly debates and traveling the country! Republicans are hard at work in congress.

Who's gonna win???

Well, let's all just hope that Hillary gets the nomination for her party... That will make things easy for the Republicans... LOL [Tongue]

In all seriousness, right now, I am leaning towards Guliani. Edwards is also pretty strong.

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - lunkerhunter2 - 08-13-2007

Just so long as it isn't one of them jacka....![Tongue][sly]

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-13-2007

You got that right, if Clinton takes the nomination, jeb bush could get elected....[pirate]

I prefer Edwards over every one running,

If I cant have Edwards I would prefer Romney

Best case senario, if all things were right in the world we would have a race for the white house between these to candidates.

I beleive both of these candidates have the strenth and fortitude to set this country back in to moderation insted of a sea saw economics with the fatties setting on one side and holding the poor up in the air and falling off the top because they cant hang on....

You cant run an economics with a country that has 2% of its population living below the poverty line and flood the work force market with forgen workers...

2% dosnt sound like much but when you put it in to numbers, its millions of people. that is just plain inhumane to cause that much suffering across the contry.[pirate]

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - southernman - 08-18-2007

[size 1]
Quote:[size 1]Well, let's all just hope that Hillary gets the nomination for her party... That will make things easy for the Republicans.[/size]

dont be too sure about that! She might be tougher than you thnk, and certain republican dirty tricks might backfire on them if its a woman they're lying and slandering


Re: [southernman] Election 2008! - Flycasting - 08-18-2007

She doesn't have to be lied about or slandered. She can just be herself... [Tongue]

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - southernman - 08-18-2007

it'll be interesting, i dont really know if she can win primaries, although their organization should be the best ever


Re: [southernman] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-19-2007

This is just an opinion I have developed from my conversations with people around my area.

I believe she dose have a good chance at winning the primaries and that is the Democratic parties biggest problem in getting a Democrat in oval office in the 08 election.

If she really wants to help the party, she should stay home and complete her term as it stands.

Rest assured that if she wins the primary those who did not vote for her in the primaries will be voting republican on the next election.

If you ask me, I think the only reason she is running is to get another republican elected in to the white house.... [crazy]

She needs 1/3rd of the republican party to jump party lines to vote for her and her policies to make up for what she is loosing from the democratic voters, Truthfully I just don’t see it happening...

I think she can do her best work for this country from where she sits now by practicing ethics.

I like most every one I know want to see a democrat in office, just not her….

Re: [davetclown] Election 2008! - Flycasting - 08-19-2007

What democrat do you want to see in the office? Let's see:

Hillary- You already explained that.

Obama- Recent comments have made it apparent that he has absolutely no concept of foreign policy in a time where we need someone VERY strong in that area.

Edwards- Maybe... Still don't know about his foreign policy. Should be interesting as the debates wind down.

I truly believe that regardless of who is given the nomination, they are going to have a tough time bringing moderates and Republicans to their WAYYYYYY far left ideals.

That's why I think people like Romney, Guiliani, and Mccain have a good chance. NONE of them are hard liners, and that's what America wants.

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - southernman - 08-19-2007

you keep saying hillary is far far left, she not

and how can you as a conservie repooplican even comment on the dems, youre so far off to the right . .

so what would a democrat have to 'be for' tyo get your vote ?


Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-19-2007

I like Edwards,

I like his social reform ideas, wich include the same ideals that Romney has... They both have the mow our own lawn before mowing someone elses mentality. Mostly because if we cant take care of our selves we cant help any one else any where around the globe.

Because of the first welfare refrom by regan and bush and the failure of the clinton administration to reform the reformed health care porton of the welfare act I had a nephew die at the age of 18, Just two weeks after he inlisted in the army to fight in araq from apendisidous. He was turned away at the hospitol when they found he had no insurance. He was told he had the flue and would be ok in a couple days. needless to say in a couple days his apendix ruptured sending poisen though his entire system, and he died on the third day from a slow excrutiating pain and feaver.....

it is almost 4 years to the day right now.... Today might even be the anivercery of his death I would have to check. It was in the middle of august.

My point is that there is no reason that americans in cases of emergencies that they cant get medical attention. I know there is a law that says a hospitol cant turn some one away in such cases... well they do becuse these people dont have money to sew for malpratice. If they had the money to sew for malpratice they would have had the money for a hospitol visit or insurance...

so when you ask what the issues are. they should be in this order.
[ol] [li]health and welfare of all citisens[/li] [li]economics earnings and savings of all citisens[/li] [li]housing for all citisens[/li] [li]education for all citisens[/li] [li]fair traiding agrements, taxing all incoming products to make it equal not greater than what it cost to make it here.[/li] [li]failing internal infrastructures[/li][/ol]
all of the above should be delt with before long any one gets a tax break, none of the above should be sacrificed for the sake of any one getting a tax break. It is imoral to do so....

things that should not be an issue in a presidential ellection is. [ol] [li]ristricting gun rights[/li] [li]abortion[/li][/ol]
These are individual rights and criminal law issues and not the responcibility of the highest business executive of the land.

those dead horses have been argued for 30+ years, If you chage either one people are going to be screaming mad...

any one attempting to make these an issue is some one who is doging and clouding the true issues.

Re: [southernman] Election 2008! - Flycasting - 08-19-2007

Have I ever said I was a Republican??? No.

Please, I would like to hear why you think she is so centered?? Example please?

To answer your question... It's easy... they just have to be the best candidate. I have voted for Democrats (notice how I did not type Democrap) in local and state elections before. Because they were the best candidate. Everyone gets a fair shake with me buddy... Even the presedential candidates.

What would it take for you to vote conservative? [cool]

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - southernman - 08-19-2007

ahhhh for he11 to freezer over [Wink][cool][shocked]


Re: [southernman] Election 2008! - gdn443 - 08-19-2007

you keep saying hillary is far far left, she not

and how can you as a conservie repooplican even comment on the dems, youre so far off to the right . .

so what would a democrat have to 'be for' tyo get your vote ?

sm [/reply]

Re: [southernman] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-20-2007

[center]Woo Hoooo !!![/center] [center] [/center] [center][cool] Extended Ice Fishing season for 2008!!! [cool][/center]

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-20-2007

If Clinton takes the nomination, I will vote republican.

Re: [gdn443] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-20-2007

what the democratic party has to do to get my vote for the oval office is two part. [ol] [li]Clinton either steps out or is nocked out of the running.[/li] [li]Edward and Oboma needs to get up and state their position on civil rights, this includes the rights to own and bear arms. they need to state weather or not they have plans or would entertain plans to further limit the rights of law biding citizens in these areas. [/li][/ol]

Re: [Flycasting] Election 2008! - jnbsigma - 08-20-2007

I agree whole-heartedly with your policy on that one. There are far too many hypocrites on both sides for me to want to vote for someone based solely on the banner they're waving. Ya gotta look at the candidate for who he or she is and what they've done in the past. They can say all they want, but only the person whose voting record matches their campaign promises is worth voting for in my opinion.

Re: [southernman] Election 2008! - BEARCLAW - 08-23-2007

She's playing a game! Wolf in sheep clothing if you will. She's trying to generate momentum among the independent voters by lying about where she stand on the issues. Her voting record details the sudden switch in strategy. Oh, and by the way, hold on to your gun rights if she gets elected.[shocked]

Re: [BEARCLAW] Election 2008! - southernman - 08-24-2007



Re: [BEARCLAW] Election 2008! - davetclown - 08-24-2007

That is exactly why she is falling in the polls,

Insulting the intelligence of Independent voters seems to be her kryptonite. Independent voters tend to take offence when a candidate Patronizes, mislead and openly refuses to compliantly answers questions that are asked of them.