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Quonnipaug lake - Printable Version

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Quonnipaug lake - gdn443 - 08-26-2007

Decided to take a short ride from the house and launched Bobs boat at 5:30. Wanted to try for the topwater bite, but the wind was up so that didn't happen. Fished the south end first and Bob picked up 4 lgmouths 8-9" Let the wind take us north and picked up one small one before heading home. Bob-5, Lundman-0. Leaveing him home next weekend and trying Mike on friday and Pop Nelson on sat. Tough year so far. Has to be a good size fish somewhere. [crazy]
Watermelon Sencos worked for him on all fish. The ramp there also needs repair if you go.

Re: [gdn443] Quonnipaug lake - tomc - 08-26-2007

tough day,it must have to do to the flip of the ponds