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Boat access temporarily closed at Hayes Lake State Park - Printable Version

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Boat access temporarily closed at Hayes Lake State Park - FishNews - 09-14-2007

Due to the construction of a new boat landing at Hayes Lake State Park, boat access to the lake will not be possible until Oct. 1 when the project is expected to be completed.

Hayes Lake State Park Manager Nick Hoffman said although the boat access is temporarily closed, anglers who want to fish the lake can use the park's fishing pier and shore fish in the Grefthen Bay area.

"Anglers who want to fish from their canoe or kayak can access the lake from the old beach area near Loop A in the park's campground, just off the Pine Ridge Camp," he said. "Kayaks and canoes can be rented at the park through mid-October."

Although closing the current access will inconvenience boaters, Hoffmann said it will be worth the wait.

"The new boat landing will be far more customer and boat friendly," he said. "Because of the soft soil in the previous landing area, the planks that formed the boat ramp would heave and shift making it difficult at times to get into and out of the lake. The new boat landing will be far more stable."

Hoffmann said the new boat landing will be ADA accessible.

The camper cabins and campground in the park are on a first-come, first-served basis through late fall. Campers can register at the park office or at the park's self-registration station. Hayes Lake State Park is located south of Roseau, off County State Aid Highway 4.

Information on the opening date for the boat landing will be posted on the park's Web site at or available by calling (218) 425-7504.