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Fishing the hard deck - Printable Version

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Fishing the hard deck - PBH - 11-02-2007

Apologies to all of you fruitloops that always rush out this time of year and try to be the first to hit the hard-deck.

Ice-fishing season is upon us. It's here...

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - hedgesd - 11-02-2007

Okay, PBH where did you find Ice this early?

Re: [hedgesd] Fishing the hard deck - PBH - 11-02-2007

you didn't think I'd tell, did you?

here's a little something to wet your whistle...

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - Kent - 11-02-2007

Was it thick enough to stand on and fish or just thick enough to keep you on the shore?

Re: [kentofnsl] Fishing the hard deck - PBH - 11-02-2007

3" is thick enough, if you are careful...

didn't have an auger -- but a rock worked. Too bad the fishing sucked...

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - pezvela - 11-02-2007

I, too, found ice today. This evening I'll flood it with brandy and coke. It came from my freezer. Let's not get in to big of a hurry. Some of us still like to fish the lakes of fall from a boat and I for one am not ready for icy roads and the miserable cold.

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - Fishhound - 11-02-2007

[black][size 3]Did you fish it ? Or did you just see it ?[/size][/black]

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - Majja - 11-02-2007

I see the hard deck but where are the pics of the fishing .. hehe

Re: [Fishhound] Fishing the hard deck - PBH - 11-02-2007

[black][size 3]Did you fish it ? Or did you just see it ?[/size][/black][/reply]

[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]
3" is thick enough, if you are careful...

didn't have an auger -- but a rock worked. Too bad the fishing sucked...

A little bit of ice never stopped anyone from fishing -- did it?

The fishing sucked. I don't believe any pictures were taken of the good looking guys in the group! Pics are (for the most part) reserved for fish!

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - Kent - 11-02-2007

Tomorrow I plan on trying my luck through the ice for the first time this fall. I will have my hand auger in tow, and I figure there is a good chance that it is about 3" thick, and if it is I will venture forth again.

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - hedgesd - 11-02-2007

Of course I expect you to tell. Just send me a pm. My bet is the lake is closed now.

Re: [hedgesd] Fishing the hard deck - PBH - 11-02-2007

hedges -- nope. This ain't the Boulder...

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - hedgesd - 11-02-2007

Either way it's your secret. I can wait for some good lakes to freeze but it would be nice to get the gear wet.

To bad the fishing was slow.

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - ajensen83 - 11-03-2007

that is the bluest sky I have ever seen... [Tongue]

Re: [kentofnsl] Fishing the hard deck - lavaman - 11-03-2007

Kent you're braver than I am!

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - CROSSINEYES - 11-03-2007

likepbh said. 3 inches is plenty sale. ive ridden snow mobiles on 3 at sc. it was glass just like the pick pbh posted. and fun hawling but then hitting the brake turning then joustint the throtle.[cool] my over weight freind just stayed on the bank riding his to scared to live. to scared to die. his loss.[crazy]

Re: [CROSSINEYES] Fishing the hard deck - fsh4fun05 - 11-03-2007

I've been on 3" inches of ice before once...and only once. There had to be some thinner spots by how the ice was talkin'. When I got home I had to sew a patch on my overalls 'cause I was so puckered up!!![shocked]

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - IceFishingGod - 11-03-2007


Go get em. Looking at the weather reports the last 10 days everything above 11K is probably safe. Wish I didn't have all these Ling Cod bothering me or I'd join you.


Re: [IceFishingGod] Fishing the hard deck - hedgesd - 11-03-2007

3" is plenty of ice. 2" is scary but maybe thats why I've been swimming twice. It really isn't that bad going under.

Re: [PBH] Fishing the hard deck - fuzzyfisher - 11-03-2007

what no tiger slam on ice? [sly] millmedows? maybe