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Pelican Is On - Kayote - 12-13-2007

Five to six inches of ice on the east end. Water slightly muddy. Fastest fishing I've had there. Go get em...............

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - fairwayphilly - 12-13-2007

Good to hear. I'm thinking of making a trip out there next weekend. Any word on Steinaker and Redfleet yet?

Re: [fairwayphilly] Pelican Is On - fishnate - 12-13-2007

Went past Steinaker today and it's wide open. No Idea how the fishing is.

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - Theekillerbee - 12-14-2007

Nice to know K man. Any big ones?

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - brookieguy1 - 12-14-2007

Glad to hear that. I just wish them big ol' bull gills didn't have those little worms in them. I know they're safe to eat but my gosh, I just can't get past thinking about those little white "snakes" inbedded in the meat. But I'll go battle those fun slabs!

Re: [brookieguy1] Pelican Is On - bassrods - 12-14-2007

You can do like I do and C&R and enjoy the catching....

Re: [bassrods] Pelican Is On - brookieguy1 - 12-14-2007

Oh I will Bassrods. I've got a super light "noodle" rod and with 2lb. test it really makes it a blast!

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - trfishin - 12-15-2007

[Smile]hey Kayote thanks for the report I can't wait to get down there this winter. Is the water still way down. I was there in Sept. and It was really low then. The fishing was great but the water was low. thanks again trfishin

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - Ryno - 12-17-2007

Hey Kayote!!! Thanks for the "heads up". Three of us hit the ice yesterday and put about 80 gills on the ice, and took about 40 home for the frying pan. You're right, the catch rates are outstanding and it didn't really matter what we used. A mix of small jigs and Swedish Pimples tipped with crawlers, meal worms, and even Berkley power maggots worked well. Although the size appeared to be down slightly from last winter, it's hard to get upset with a 9-inch bluegill!

There wasn't much activity out there, with only 5 other anglers braving the frigid temps. Thanks, Ryno

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - fishnate - 12-17-2007

My boy and I went out on Friday and did fair. I got 30 and he got 16. Most of the gills were 7-9 inches with a few 10 inchers. We got 5 bass including my boys 17 incher (his biggest so far). Fish were pretty aggressive. We kept about 10 fish and most of them had one or two grubs. Only one was so infested that we couldn't salvage the fillets.

Re: [Kayote] Pelican Is On - hookngrinin - 12-17-2007

Hey thanks Kayote. Schools out on Friday and I plan to take the boys to Pelican for some Gill action.

Re: [fishnate] Pelican Is On - Out4aFloat - 12-17-2007

How deep of water were you in?

Re: [Out4aFloat] Pelican Is On - bassrods - 12-17-2007

The last time I looked in Nov. it was only 6' at the deepest...

Re: [fishnate] Pelican Is On - fsh4fun05 - 12-18-2007

That's a nice bass, not too many like that in there. I hope you ate a grub...or two [shocked].

Re: [Out4aFloat] Pelican Is On - fishnate - 12-18-2007

WE were in about 6-7 ft. We could set the hook, stand up and pull the fish out without reeling. At times the fish were 2-3 ft off the bottom. Not as much fun as catching deep fish but... I'll be back!!!