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Born again twins - Printable Version

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Born again twins - utwalleye - 01-31-2008

here is a pair of lake trout ice rods I built for crossineyes. these rods were 8 foot 2 piece rods. I took the top section and made them into a couple of pretty nice heavy ice fishing rods. they are 49in. long, black and purple wrap. later chuck

Re: [utwalleye] Born again twins - CROSSINEYES - 02-02-2008

look great![Wink] bring them over tonight im gona stop and buy reals.

Re: [utwalleye] Born again twins - lunkerhunter2 - 02-13-2008

My uncle and i took a jab at it too. We did the same thing with the tip tops. They are not near as pretty as yours but very strong. I will post some pics when i get a chance.[cool]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Born again twins - CROSSINEYES - 02-14-2008
