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Teachers"¦Get WILD About Foxes and Ferrets - Printable Version

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Teachers"¦Get WILD About Foxes and Ferrets - FishNews - 03-17-2008

Teachers"¦Get WILD About Foxes and Ferrets

INTERIOR, S.D - The S.D. Game, Fish and Parks Department and Badlands National Park will be offering a teacher workshop, "WILD About Foxes and Ferrets," on Aug. 1-3.

The cost of the workshop is $75, which covers lodging for the workshop. College credit from Black Hills State University is available for an additional fee. There is no fee for the training itself. Project WILD is funded in South Dakota through the sale of hunting and fishing licenses.

"This workshop will be a wonderful experience for teachers wanting to learn about two of South Dakota's rarest mammals, the black-footed ferret and the swift fox," said Chad Tussing, education services coordinator for the Game, Fish and Parks Department. Workshop content includes visits from local biologists and habitat managers, educational activities for the classroom and field trips into the park.

"We're really excited about this opportunity," Tussing said. "The participants will have the unique experience of assisting a biologist with his research, getting a close look at these rare animals and visiting with a local rancher about his experiences making a livelihood in this area."

The content of the workshop is targeted primarily at school teachers, but everyone is welcome. Registration is limited to 15 participants. To sign up, contact Chad Tussing at (605) 773-2541 or Scholarships to cover workshop expenses are available to qualifying teachers through a grant from Badlands National Park.

For more information about Project WILD, visit