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Skunked on Spider Lake any advice? - Printable Version

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Skunked on Spider Lake any advice? - boarder83 - 07-29-2008

I've been staying at a cabin on Spider Lake in Traverse City, MI. I've tried for Large Mouth and Panfish and have had no luck with either. Leeches, Worms, Waxworms, and rubber jig baits have gotten no response. The weather has been warm so I've switched from shallow water fishing to drifting through deep pockets. Is the fishing just bad or is there something else I can do, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: [boarder83] Skunked on Spider Lake any advice? - midtnhooker - 03-10-2009

this guy may never read the reply but for anyone else id say if the water is warm ya better get your but out to the deeper ledges. 20-30 ft range should do.

Re: [midtnhooker] Skunked on Spider Lake any advice? - bendopolo - 03-10-2009

I'm thinkin' just the opposite. Its Spring and most fish are moving up shallower to spawn. Instead of flailing the water, sometimes it is wise to just watch the locals for awhile. If you see anybody catching fish, try to do what they are doing. It's at least a good place to start from. Maybe the best thing is to leave Spider Lake...

Re: [boarder83] Skunked on Spider Lake any advice? - midtnhooker - 03-10-2009

i only said ledges b/c he posted it in july. which makes you wonder why i even replied i guess huh? lol Tongue