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Mountain Lions and Illegal Aliens Use Same Trail - Printable Version

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Mountain Lions and Illegal Aliens Use Same Trail - deadzone - 12-19-2008

[size 2]This hidden trail cam caught a variety of travelers on one remote trail near the Arizona/Mexico border.
[size 2]This video clip shows a dozen or more border intruders going north. One of them is carrying a small child.

[size 2]This one shows a mountain lion traveling the same trail - on a different day. Also has an excerpt from a third video showing another user of this same trail (on a different day) - a small whitetail buck that almost looks like a spectator.
[size 2]
[size 2][size 2]Good trail cam country.



Re: [deadzone] Mountain Lions and Illegal Aliens Use Same Trail - wiperhunter2 - 12-20-2008

I'd like to welcome you to BFT Deadzone and to let you know about our rules here. Listed above under the [url ""]FAQ
[/url]is one such rule about not allowing links until a member has 15 post or more. Thank you for bringing this web site to our attention, it is for sure a big problem but don't be surprised if the link is disabled. WH2