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Chasing Trophys - Hooter_Patrol - 01-26-2009

Just to touch on some Q. I've been asked.
I've been fishing for a lot of years now, And I didn't always chase trophies, also a trophy is all in the eyes of the beholder,
It used to be if a fish bit then I got a kick out of it and if I landed it I would cooked it, But let me say this.
If you are wanting to catch trophy fish what ever the spc.
You have to do your home work on that fish, Books, Computer ext. and most of all time on the water,
You have to fish like you hunt trophy elk,deer, whatever it might be, fish are of habit they eat and breed, the weather effects when they eat, and the moon effects fish just like any kind of game, if it snows a deer will bed up until it stops snowing, a front is the same thing with fish, before and after? also noise is a big factor also,
There is a lot of thing that you have to do, And if you get lucky then you might stick a trophy but it take time and and a lot of work to stick the big ones consistently, most big fish are accidently caught, not to say the fisherman is not a good fisherman but to do it consistently that takes time,
#1 biggest thing is to log every thing you do and find a patter then go from there. that is what guide do to be able to put you on fish day , it's not in what they are biting on at the time but it is what they are doing at the time? also Big fish eat bigger fish? almost always not to say that the will pass up a easy meal? but big fish don't get big by swimming all over chasing a meal.?
So the best thing I can say is if you like fishing then go fishing, But if you want to chase trophies then don't worry about how many fish you stick because you don't get trophies every time you go out.
But don't give up if you want a trophy just work for it and they will come[Wink][fishin] Good luck,

PS. Utah dose have trophy fish!!!!!!!!!!

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Chasing Trophys - mactuna - 01-27-2009

Very true.

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Chasing Trophys - PBH - 01-27-2009







I think I'll go fishing.

Re: [PBH] Chasing Trophys - Hooter_Patrol - 01-27-2009

Hey PBH .
That was not criticizing anyone, I was only trying to help
the people that have ask me a lot of Q. about how I catch the fish I do so if that is criticizing then I'm sorry !!!!?
I'll Put my fishing ability up against anyone, I have fished my hole life over 50 years and I don't remember ever criticizing anyone, So you might try reading it again, I was talking about trophy fishing, and if you don't under stand it then I'm sorry again,
I'm not trying to make anyone mad that is not what this forum is about, it is for people to talk about fishing and learning from other people and to also have fun [Wink]
So dry up those tears and go fishing [sly][Wink] [fishin]
Oh by the way you shouldn't criticize unless you know what they was talking about.[Wink]

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Chasing Trophys - PBH - 01-27-2009

Hoots -- I didn't criticize you. I congratulated you on being a trophy fishermen. That's a status that I hope to achieve someday.

One of these days, maybe I'll be the one posting a post like your post above.

Again -- congratulations!

Re: [PBH] Chasing Trophys - Hooter_Patrol - 01-27-2009

Thanks PBH, I guess I misunderstood what you was saying.[crazy]

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Chasing Trophys - submoa - 01-28-2009

It's his auto signature

Re: [submoa] Chasing Trophys - Hooter_Patrol - 01-28-2009

I seen that after the fact !!!!!!!!!! [shocked][Wink]
I'm A fisherman not a writer give me a brake [:p]

Re: [PBH] Chasing Trophys - fsh4fun05 - 01-28-2009

lol [Wink]

Re: [fsh4fun05] Chasing Trophys - Hooter_Patrol - 01-28-2009

Okay go ahead LOL !!!!!!!!!!!! [crazy]
That's still some funny stuff[Wink]

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Chasing Trophys - TrophyHunter407 - 01-28-2009

Good Post ! Gives us all inspiration to go after the trophies. Also funny to read how people can misunderstand what you really are trying to say.

Re: [TrophyHunter407] Chasing Trophys - lunkerhunter2 - 01-28-2009

It is pretty loud and clear to me what he is saying[crazy]