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The Nevada Department of Wildlife is holding a three-day progressive fly tying class the evenings of March 17-19. The class will start with a basic fly and progress to a more advanced fly by the third class. If you always wanted to learn how to make your own flies or learn how to match the hatch this class will teach you the basics. The class is designed for beginning to intermediate level fly tiers and is free to all participants. Class is limited to the first 15 persons who enroll.

WHAT Three-day Progressive Fly-tying Class

WHEN Tuesday, March 17

Wednesday, March 18

Thursday, March 19

The class will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each night. We suggest timely attendance at all three classes as each class builds upon the previous one with increasing difficulty.

WHERE Verdi Community Library and Wildlife Education Center

270 Bridge Street, Verdi, NV. (Building is adjacent to the Verdi Elementary School grounds)

ENROLL Pre-registration is required by March 16 to receive the class outline. For more

information call the Department of Wildlife at 688-1559.

AGES Minimum 10 years of age.

BRING Each class is limited to the first 15 persons who sign up. All fly tying equipment will be provided. If you have your own tools and equipment feel free to bring them. Materials will be provided only for the first class.

COST Free. There is no charge for attendance; however, each student shall furnish materials called for in the outline.

CONTACT Chris Vasey 688-1622

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) protects, restores and manages fish and wildlife, promotes fishing, hunting, and boating safety. NDOW's wildlife and habitat

conservation efforts are primarily funded by sportsmen's license and conservation fees and a federal surcharge on hunting and fishing gear. Support wildlife and habitat conservation in Nevada by purchasing a hunting, fishing, or combination license. For more information, visit

Media Contact<br />
Chris Vasey (775) 688-1622