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Tips for using this board - Printable Version

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Tips for using this board - theangler - 03-02-2009

If you are posting a new lure in this forum, please [url ""]search[/url] first to see if it has already been posted. You can select to only search this board in the search feature. If you start a new thread please USE THE NAME OF THE LURE ONLY AS THE TITLE SO USERS CAN FIND INFORMATION QUICKLY.

If you see a lure you know something about or have a fish report about, please reply and post information or photo's! Please post as detailed info as possible.

This is a new board so advise is welcome and lets build a great resource for identifying baits for species of fish!

Re: [theangler] Tips for using this board - theangler - 03-02-2009

Because you can not post a message with no copy in the body of the post below is a general template idea for new lure posts:
Have you caught a fish on the fishing lure named in this post? Please respond with any tips, techniques, photo's, or information you have about this lure.

Re: [theangler] Tips for using this board - Simp - 03-02-2009

We can't post a message with no copy in the body? I'm lightly Confused...

Do you mean if we have no information on the lure that is in the title we can't post period? or what does that mean?

(btw this is a great idea that will help me a lot)

Re: [theangler] Tips for using this board - Simp - 03-02-2009

Also, one more little thing I just thought of. What about posting a picture of the lure with each new post? Not everyone knows what they look like, I know I don't know what all of these things are. It's a lot easier to see the actual lure at the store as opposed to looking at the names and brands of everything. I just think it would help out if a member wants to go get one. Save them from searching for an hour [:p]

Its just a thought, so it may be stupid. Never hurts to mention it though.

Re: [Simp] Tips for using this board - Dennis1022 - 03-21-2010

I think that is a good Idea using a photo and telling how use them, I'm behind you all the way with this![quote Simp]Also, one more little thing I just thought of. What about posting a picture of the lure with each new post? Not everyone knows what they look like, I know I don't know what all of these things are. It's a lot easier to see the actual lure at the store as opposed to looking at the names and brands of everything. I just think it would help out if a member wants to go get one. Save them from searching for an hour [:p]

Its just a thought, so it may be stupid. Never hurts to mention it though.[/quote]

Re: [theangler] Tips for using this board - robinxiao2010 - 06-28-2010

I did not get the fish you referred, but I am so interesting in lure fishing.Hope to be good friend with you.

Re: [Simp] Tips for using this board - theangler - 05-04-2011

Hello Simp,
You can post whatever you like in the "body" of your post but we are just suggesting that you limit the "title" to the lure name to make it easier for users to search for. Great idea to include a photo of the lure!!

Re: [Simp] Tips for using this board - Paulpro - 07-11-2011

Its alright,only stupid is what stupid does.PaulproGump[Image: happy.gif]

Re: [theangler] Tips for using this board - Jestyan - 08-17-2018

thank you good info