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Info on Flurocarbon - Printable Version

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Info on Flurocarbon - hawghunter1 - 04-26-2009


I have a Pfluger Asaro rigged with 10lb Fluro. (Vanish)

Does anyone have any tips on fishing with fluro, and what kind of fishing I can do with it.



Re: [hawghunter1] Info on Flurocarbon - tomegun - 04-26-2009

10lb Vanish is good for jerkbaits and light crankbaits. You can use 10lb for plastics in light structure situations too. I use 10lb Vanish all the time and buy by 2000 yard spool.


Re: [tomegun] Info on Flurocarbon - hawghunter1 - 04-26-2009

Im just not 100% I like that the line lays on top of the water

Re: [tomegun] Info on Flurocarbon - fsh4fun05 - 04-27-2009

Do you ever have any trouble with abrasion? Flouro manufactures brag about the abrasion resistance but (to me) the line seems to fray like string cheese when rubbed against a stick or rock.

Re: [hawghunter1] Info on Flurocarbon - lurtch - 04-27-2009

the biggest asset of florocarbon is its virtualy invisible under watter..alot of trout fishrman use it becouse of the clear watter ther fishing..

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - Catatafish - 04-27-2009

Which brand(s) are you using? I've had quite a bit of luck with Vanish. Also with the Trilene pro grade. Haven't noticed too much fraying. I have noticed that it's a bit stiffer than mono or braid, and that takes a bit of getting used to, but otherwise no complaints.

Re: [Catatafish] Info on Flurocarbon - fsh4fun05 - 04-28-2009

I've used P-line, Vanish and Vanish Transition. I was going to give it one more shot with the Berkley Flouro.

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - tomegun - 04-29-2009

Transition is poop. If I'm fishing tournaments I might lean towards P-Line fluro, but I've used Vanish since its inception. Sometimes you can get a bad batch on spools. Trilene fluro is damn pricey at 200 yd spools.


Re: [tomegun] Info on Flurocarbon - fsh4fun05 - 04-29-2009

I was under the influence that the Transition was better than the Vanish...why do you say it is "poop" lol?

Re: [tomegun] Info on Flurocarbon - Catatafish - 04-29-2009

Come to think of it, that reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago regarding transition. He's bought a spool of 12# test about a year ago, and it sat in a drawer until recently when he was respooling one of his rigs. Wasn't in the sun, in the cold, etc. He was complaining that the line was breaking when he was trying to tie knots. Apparently even the simplest of knots were breaking the line. He tossed it.
I haven't used transition, but have had success with the vanish and the pro grade & pro line.

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - tomegun - 04-30-2009

Ok , I'll bite. Transition is shit. It frays easy. I've had line success thru the ice. Never take it to Powell, can you say sun damaged? It can get brittle in a day.


Re: [tomegun] Info on Flurocarbon - fsh4fun05 - 04-30-2009

I'll cross that one off the list!. I was going to try the Trilene flouro but since you recommend the P-line I'll give it another shot.
Some of the members here have never used flourocarbon, can you tell us if you use different knots than you would using mono?

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - bytebull - 04-30-2009

I have to post this even though it might piss off some anglers, but I don't care what brand line I buy. If you set your drag right and take care of your gear you won't lose fish.

I've caught 10lb bass on 4lb crap line because I always set my drag appropriate for the line size. Theres nothing more fun that catching a 10lb fish on 4lb line with a light rod and small spinner reel that you have to fight for 15 to 20 minutes.

It's much more fun than hauling a 10lb bass in on 14lb test and not even having to worry that you might lose it.

Just my thoughts.

Re: [bytebull] Info on Flurocarbon - fsh4fun05 - 04-30-2009

Well you got me, I've lost fish on crap line when I've set the hook, never had a chance to use the drag. I can just about guarantee that no matter what pound test you are using the thought of losing a fish crosses your mind and you adjust accordingly...and I would haul in a 10 lb. bass on 14 lb test any day of the week...if I wasn't working every day of the week [:/]

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - bytebull - 04-30-2009

[url "../../../cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=fsh4fun05"]fsh4fun05[/url] im just lucky enough to be able to fish some private ponds that are posted ...

so i use 4lb test and sometimes I lose big fish but the thrill of maybe losing a 20lb bass at Amus's pond is worth it.

We catch 10lb + there evertime we go. This pond probably has the Arkansas state record and I hope I catch it on 4lb test line. And one or your lures.. heheehe

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - Catatafish - 04-30-2009

I've never had any issues with fluoro and the Palomar knot or the Allbright knot. Just make sure you moisten before you cinch it down.

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - tomegun - 05-01-2009

The dude was just lucky.

I can only tie two knots. Polymer and an improved clinch knot. I like P-line cuz of the 250 yard spool. Crowder used to use in competition too. p-line was very sexy a couple years ago. I've been using Fluroclear(12lb) on spinnerbaits and lipless.


Re: [tomegun] Info on Flurocarbon - mactuna - 05-01-2009

When we fish for big Yellowfin Tuna we use fluro or you will not get bit when they are line shy. We always change the first 20 ft, I believe it does get more abrasion marks and we are fishing in a no structure enviroment. Mono is more forgiving but we always cut off line and retie our hooks after every fish. I use Spectra line and Fluro all the time. I have not seen the Spectra we use in Utah, its a hollow silk line, cuts your skin like a razor knife.

Re: [Catatafish] Info on Flurocarbon - bytebull - 05-01-2009

i use the Palomar knot too... its the best for me...

Re: [fsh4fun05] Info on Flurocarbon - scartinez - 05-05-2009

I have also noticed that vanish fray's like crazy. I was fishing some shallow clear water with some trees for structure and broke off like crazy that day. That was the end of vanish for me. I now use yozuri hybrid and I love the line strength.