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Accurate Weather Forecasts - Printable Version

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Accurate Weather Forecasts - TubeDude - 04-30-2009

[inline "BAD DAY AHEAD.jpg"][cool][#0000ff]I have lost track of how many times I have planned a trip based upon weather forecasts...and have found the complete opposite of the forecast when I got to my fishin' spot. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, I just got this pic that kinda lets you know that maybe you should forget about it for the day.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - kochanut - 04-30-2009

i use an indian weather rock. if its wet its raining, if its white, its snowing, if its moving, its windy.... you sir seem to get your weather reports from the military. when they say expect snow, go fish! that means its going to be sunny and nice!

Re: [kochanut] Accurate Weather Forecasts - TubeDude - 04-30-2009

[cool][#0000ff]I also have a weather rock. But, I call it an anglers' weather rock. Much more accurate than the forecasts on TV or in the paper. I can check a half dozen of those for the same day and they are all different...and most of them are wrong.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wouldn't it be great to have a job in which you could be wrong most of the time and still keep your job?[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - SportfishinSteve - 04-30-2009

I can tell you exactly what the weather will do this weekend.....I spent four hours washing and waxing my boat last night so I could drag it up to Fontenelle.

It will rain and snow all weekend.... [cool]

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - Theekillerbee - 04-30-2009

Ain't that the truth Pat, Seems like the weather monkeys are anything but right! Down in Florida, they took the easy way out and just said there is a 50% chance of rain! That makes them right either way!

Re: [Theekillerbee] Accurate Weather Forecasts - TubeDude - 04-30-2009

[cool][#0000ff]I used to love George Carlin's Hippy Dippy Weatherman. "Tonight, we will see periods of darkness."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When someone asks me for MY forecast, I always say "Fair and sunny with occasional heavy downpours."[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - catfish-logic - 04-30-2009


You hit thy mighty sledge hammer right on thy nail Mr Tube!

It seems that weather forecasting is about as accurate as psychic palm reading or fortune telling.

I hate Utah weather prediction big time. It gets on my nerves. I always go to KSL weather to see the forecast and its always always always always always changes. Everyday you see the weather from a high of 66 on Wednesday. Then a high of 59 on Wednesday; then a high of 55! Its like dudes make up your mind or consider getting some new weather-predicting devices.

When I go fishing I usually put faith in the forecast though.
If they say sunny I'll believe it. But wind you never know 'till you get there.

"Today a high of around 99 with wind gust up to 30 miles an hour. Fair to partly cloudy skies with a chance of precipitation of around 30 percent."

So basically there is a 70 percent chance of sunny skies!!!! LOL!

So here we go:

"Today a 70 percent chance of sunny skies. Look for afternoon highs around 88 degrees. Wind gust to 30 mph and a slight chance of showers."

If you are a skilled comedian certainly weather forecast are good fodder for your jokes."

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - Lundman - 05-02-2009

When going to the Gorge I like to use the Wyoming Wind Sock Gauge for forecasting the weather ....

Re: [Lundman] Accurate Weather Forecasts - Kent - 05-03-2009

That is great. For a week now I have been working next to Thanksgiving Point, and I can't believe how windy it is in that area. Working less than two miles from Cabela's will definitely be a problem though.[Smile]

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - lurtch - 05-03-2009

i have espn fishing forcast on my phone..4.95 a gives you up to date radar forcast barometer presure..just put in the city and zip code of were your going..ilove it..just by watching the radar i can tell you when to go out and when to get of the lake..i wouldnt go fishing with out it,,

Re: [TubeDude] Accurate Weather Forecasts - riverdog - 05-03-2009

I never rely on the forecast. I also always look at the radar right before I go. Many times you can adjust were you go and still get some good fishing in. Most of the weather websites have it available.

Re: [riverdog] Accurate Weather Forecasts - lurtch - 05-03-2009

yes true..but you cant carry the tv with you..i can be on the lake and check it huge advantage..