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shsimons, Chick Dam, mixed, Craig's 1st paddlefish, 5-1-09, Idiot #2, Patricia - Printable Version

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shsimons, Chick Dam, mixed, Craig's 1st paddlefish, 5-1-09, Idiot #2, Patricia - FishNews - 05-04-2009

If I could put my name as Idiot #1, I would. The storm hammered down on us fast, and I think Patricia was nervous from the lightning. She teaches 2nd grade at my school. We managed a small bass, a drum, and a surprise paddlefish. I broke off on a good catfish that I was in the process of handing over to Patricia. A few more catfish/bass escaped her line. I think she might have had a good time, in spite of the near death experience. I'll be out early with Pbobo to check on some bass.<br /><br />Signed,<br /><br />Idiot #2