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What to do with a soft shelled turtle - Printable Version

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What to do with a soft shelled turtle - ILmomof4 - 09-07-2001

We've been catching a few soft shelled turtles from the river where I fish frequently. The largest was caught last weekend and was about 12 inches in diameter. We have been throwing them back.<br>I know some people eat turtle. I've never eaten turtle or cleaned a turtle. But I'm willing to give both a try!<br>So if any of you have suggestions on how to clean and cook a turtle, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.<br><br>

Re: What to do with a soft shelled turtle - ChrisP - 09-09-2001

my late Great GRAMP`s told me that da softshell has 7 different type of meats...clean 1 n u`ll c what he was talkin bout...i`ve caught several on da side of road while they were layin their eggs...r just sitin on side of road thinkin bout layin eggs...i caught 1 that already had hole dug n was layin them..i let her finish then took her home....i caught a reel big 1 that had bout 35 eggs n her...took da eggs n buried them n da kids sand box n hatched them...took them 2 local lakes n released them...i`ve done that on several occassions...i figure she gave me sum meat sew i`ll finish what she had started...first ya got 2 chop that head off...then roll her on her back n take bottom shell off...on her sides is tuff u`ll hav`ta use an axe 2 git through...then just skin her out...Bcareful not 2 break eggs...the 1`s with a shell...u kin eat them r plant them like i dew..butt 12 inches ant all that big...not enuff meat 2 fool with 4 me...da 1`s i git wood fill a wash tub up...n have a neck bout as big as my wrist...that`s good soup bone 2 da neck..da 1`s i useally git wood give me bout a gallon 2 a gallon n half of da finest meat..what i dew is season them with your fav season throw sum n your flour...scramble sum eggs n a bowl...dip them n your eggs then throw them n a bag of flour shakem up then fry them 2 a golden brown....<br>M M M GOOD!.....Bsafe!..........C-Ya!..........<br><br>