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Jmax, Chick, An awesome evening!!!!!, Bass, 5/08/09, Jason - Printable Version

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Jmax, Chick, An awesome evening!!!!!, Bass, 5/08/09, Jason - FishNews - 05-10-2009

Me and Jason showed up to fish the Ratman this evening along with several other boats and after waiting around found out it had been canceled. Sad We went fishing anyways and BOY!!!...I sure wished we had had it. Jason and I tore them up this evening. We caught bass on shakey heads, t-rigs, chatter baits, spinner baits and spooks. Our three biggest went close to 11lbs, our best five were 16 lbs and 10 ozes. Our biggest one was 4 lbs and 9 ozes. Jason also lost another by the boat that would have easily been over four. emoDance We had a great time. This is one evening we would have been in the running to win, only if they had had it. emoBawl We stopped on fourty bass tonight and left a hair after nine. Out of the fourty we caught 20 keepers. emoApplause A fifty percent ratio on keepers is good for me. Jason had made the comment he could not seem to catch over 15 lbs very often so tonight we broke his 15 lbs mark.<br /> Most of our bites were fairly shallow with some coming from less then two foot. We got a little system going where I had on a spook, they would bust it but some would not take it, Jason followed up with a shakey once they hit and they would take the shakey. Good team work program. emoToast The bass were really crushing the spook again but often they did not take it. It appeared some of them were still on beds. Our better bass came deeper but that was less then ten feet as well. I kind of wished now I was fishing the CBA in the morning. There should be some real good weights. emoThumbsup Water Temp was 74 degrees today. Never did rain or storm, we did have some pretty good wind a couple times.<br />C-ya on the water...Jmax emoAngler