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skeeter07, weiss, bass, 5-9-09, ben - Printable Version

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skeeter07, weiss, bass, 5-9-09, ben - FishNews - 05-13-2009

we went down to weiss to practice for our club tourney coming up this weekend . we started out throwing bb with nothing to show for that I then picked up a sb and caught a few just keeper fish . My partner Ben started throwing a shakey head and caught alot of fis on that so I started throwing a cb . I had one keeper sized fish hit it righ at the boat so i decide to just boat flip it BIG BIG BIG mistake emoBang emoBang Just as soon as I got it over the boat the fish fell off in the boatand that made my rod just like a sling shoot with the cb coming back and sticking in the back of my head yes in the back of my head . Ben got one of the hooks out but the other one was in there . he pulled on it I just about passed out so I made him leave it alone he then cut some of the hook off and I fished for awhile with it stuck back there crazy thing to do I know . So later that evening when I got home had my wife carry me to the er so that they could get it out . We did catch alot of fish just not alot of bigones best 5 about 10 lbs