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New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - Printable Version

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New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - prvrt - 07-03-2009

I just finished my new 9' 3wt 4 pc today. I got it all assembled and spooled up with 100 yards of 20lb backing and a F4-WF line on the Okuma reel I won at the Fly Expo this spring. I had to try it out so I took out back to the pond and proceeded to catch a few fish. Caught around 30 Green Sunfish between 2"-6", 2 Bass @ 12", and 2 BlueGill that were around 7". The Bass put a pretty good bend in the rod and even stripped a little line off the spool. The main reason I built this rod is for Pan Fish and Brookies. Now I need to go find something bigger to try it out on.

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A lily blooming in my pond.

This 8WT I finished a week ago and built it for Steelhead. I have not used it yet since the rivers are still to high. I hope to get it out soon and see what it can do. It is a 2 pc with an Orvis 9wt reel. Both rods cost me just under $50 to build. The Orvis reel of course cost a bit more than both rods.

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Sunset from the backyard.

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - dma_ayotte - 07-04-2009

very very nice looking good job!!!! what would one of those run for a bfter????? just for shoots a giggles...

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - flygoddess - 07-04-2009

WOW!!! Nice on all accounts. I didn't know you were into building also.
Tons of questions now, like:
what blank ( I like that you can see the wraps. Reminds me of the old Orvis)?
What is the reel seat on that 3? nice little fighting butt also.
Okay the 3 looks like blue with burgundy and a pinch of silver and the 8 weight looks like same blue but with a yellow and gray?

Anyway, very nice my friend.

Re: [flygoddess] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - prvrt - 07-04-2009

The 3wt is just a IM6 Graphite China blank. The wraps are Gun Metal Gray/ Light Blue/Copper in metalic thread. The reel seat is an Acrylic pearl gray a guy in Denver makes.

The 8wt is suppose to be an Orvis, but there are no markings. It may be since it is "opened wrapped" as you mentioned. It is wrapped with Blue/Silver/Gun Metal Gray/Gold in Metallic thread.

I personally like to see the wraps also. Having an all green rod with green wraps just is too plain.

I have not been doing this long. Just a winter hobby I picked up.

Here is the first rod I built last winter for my sister in law. It is a TFO 5wt 4pc. Came out great. In fact, she won't use it because it's "Too Pretty". It is wrapped in Magenta/Gun Metal Gray/Gold on a flat black TFO. It has an Acrylic Pink Pearl reel seat.

[inline Firstrod.jpg]

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[inline Firstrod1.jpg]

As far as selling rods, I may have a few in the future to get rid of if I keep going the way I am now. Right now I have a 3wt, 5wt,7wt,8wt. I may decide to build a 9wt and sell the 8wt pictured. I gave my dad a 5wt 7 pc for his b-day. Who knows what will happen.

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - Belasko - 07-04-2009

Truly beautiful rods. I've considered taking a class at Jimmy's this next winter on it if I have the time and money. My wife would go absolutely nuts over that one you made for your sister in law. It really is a nice looking one.

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - Laroo - 07-04-2009

Hey they are looking good, how about you experiment with some ice fishing rods. (ya I know it's July) but I cant find what I want in a ice rod, and don't know of anyone that builds them. I would give it a try but I have too many little crumb gobblers running around my house to even think about taking on something like that!

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - kochanut - 07-04-2009

come up with a 7 foot 3 weight as pretty as the first one pictured ill toss you some cash!

Re: [Laroo] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - prvrt - 07-05-2009

I have actually thought about building some ice fishing rods. I want to get back into ice fishing this coming winter. The problem I have had is finding blanks. I did find a guy selling fishing pole parts and had a bunch of rod tips from broken poles or store demos that they cut down for display. Only problem with those is the eyes are already tied on and not sure they are in the right place for an ice rod. The reel seat would be the most expensive part, but still cheap.I may have to pick some up and do a little experimenting.

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - Belasko - 07-06-2009

I have 2 ice rods made from G-loomis rod tips and I've not had any trouble w/ those. However the biggest fish I've brought in w/ it was a Ririe sucker[crazy]

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - SteelieNut - 07-08-2009

Sweet rods prvrt. I'm waiting for materials for my first rod to come, I may be PMing you for some pointers when I get started. It's a Lami blank and it's going to have aLot of purple in it, the old lady wants a [pirate]pretty[pirate] steelhead rod that will match her pretty reel w/ the neon green line.[laugh]

Re: [SteelieNut] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - prvrt - 07-08-2009

I will help with what I can. Send a pm any time. I am looking for a few more blanks right now. Who knows what I will come up with next.

Re: [SteelieNut] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - flygoddess - 07-09-2009

I have several LAMI GLASS rods. They are killer blanks
Seeing how we are talking about building rods
Here is my Lami custom built by Mojo.

[Image: Lami74w400.jpg]

Re: [flygoddess] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - prvrt - 07-09-2009

Nice looking rod. It has that old fashion nostalgic look to it. I have not built any Lami's. I am trying to find a 7' spinning 2pc blank right now. All the rods I have built so far are fly rods. Figured it is time to do a spinning rod. May have to break down and just hit Mud Hole for a good blank.

Re: [prvrt] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - flygoddess - 07-09-2009

I just got the new Mudd Hole catalog yesterday. Some killer stuff!!!!!
Mojo is building me a bamboo right now.

Heay, what is wrong with JUST fly rods LOL That is all I own. AND you can fish regular line and hardware on them....even bait.

Re: [flygoddess] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - Aluma165 - 07-09-2009

F.G.: Wow! That's one beautiful rod. Is your cane builder Mojo1 on this forum? I used to converse with a "Mojo" on the steelheader forum. I need someone in the Boise area to evaluate a couple of bamboo rods that are perfect condition but lacking the third end sections. One 5wt and one 7wt. Wondering if they are worth building tips for them... No big names; just typical hardware rods.
I used to be into early Hardy cane rods. Beautiful vintage Palakona rods of various weights and lengths. Some as early as 1800's. I flew into English cities in the 70's and 80's and they were in all the old tackle shops for 5 to 15 pounds sterling... Nobody wanted them... Didn't take long for the word to get out and the supply dried up quickly. I scored 8 - 10 of them but they all sold over the years. Wish I had them back...

Re: [Aluma165] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - flygoddess - 07-09-2009

No, it is Mojorising on the Utah or Tubing boards. Hardy Cane....WOW!!! nice. I bet you do wish you still had them.
Not sure if he can help with the boo or not. Give him a shout.
Thank you by the way.

Re: [flygoddess] New 3WT & 8WT Rods Finished (Pics) - Aluma165 - 07-09-2009

Thanks. I'll look him up.