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lets educate the new fisherman - Printable Version

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lets educate the new fisherman - aloneone - 07-21-2009

i went up to a community pond a few days ago, they had just stocked it and most of the fish were swimming very slowly were they had been dumped. there were a group of mexicans who kept trying to catch them with a net, a few times they succeded. i walked over, since i know spanish i told him that what he was doing was illegal. he was very surprised to hear this, i sighed and asked him if he knew the fish limit...he didnt have a clue. i gave him the rundown of the fishing rules, thankfully he had a license. i am orginaly from peru which is a country in south america, there are very few hunting restrictions and no fishing rules. i am almost sure this is the same in many countries. too many times ive nedded to educate some of the fisherman i meet. i am no racist and have respect for the cultures of other countries, i just think that some of us need to stop being Angry onlookers and educate the people that have come here to have a better life. we need to let the know that it is there responsability to learn the rules. sorry for the novel but its what i think.

Re: [aloneone] lets educate the new fisherman - Weekend_Warrior - 07-21-2009

This is a good thread. I have done the same thing at Deer Creek a time or two. I served a mission in Guatemala. They are always surprized when the spanish comes out of me. [cool]

Our brown brothers are not the only ones guilty of this though. I have told off plenty of pale faces. I wish the DWR would ticket more people!

Re: [aloneone] lets educate the new fisherman - Troll - 07-21-2009

This is a huge problem in our community fisheries and must be stopped either through education or with the heavy hand of the law.

There are signs at most CF's that say the limit, that should be enough that if someone breaks those rules the law should be called.

The CF's rules also need changing, to barbless hooks only and a 1 fish limit for all fishers over 18. 2 fish limit for under 18. No fishing while in possession of a limit.

I don't care if they are Brown, Yellow, White or Red Neck, 1 fish and go home.

By the way, if you wouldn't mind PM me which pond that was, my boy and I love to cach those catfish they put in them.

Re: [aloneone] lets educate the new fisherman - Lundman - 07-22-2009

Somehow this will probably lead to a Spanish version of the proclamation and higher fishing license prices to pay for it.... [:/]

Re: [Lundman] lets educate the new fisherman - sinergy - 07-22-2009

[quote Lundman]Somehow this will probably lead to a Spanish version of the proclamation and higher fishing license prices to pay for it.... [:/][/quote]

Not a personal attack so please don't take it that way but I feel this is the wrong attitude to approach this issue.

Yes it is possible that by printing a Spanish or multi language version of the proc could increase fishing license's highly doubt it but keeping an open mind.

Its a known fact that the more educated person is the less crime the'll commit. Educating people on Utah laws not only saves $$$ but sustains our first class fishiers.

Second a person who enjoys fishing and is educated in the ways of fishing will end up purchasing a license, gear & tackle, possibly a boat ect ect all this revenue goes into out local shops strengthening our economy thus helping everyone.

Righ On !!! Aloneone keep up the good work!!! [cool][cool][cool]

Re: [sinergy] lets educate the new fisherman - aloneone - 07-22-2009

the fishery i was at was cove pond in herriman, this place gets heavy pressure and most of the fish stocked are taken in less than a 1 or 2 days. this is another reason i want to help people understand the rules. i always hear people complaining that when the fish are stocked and the truck leaves people try to snag or net the Confused cats. sometimes its just not fair, there is no more fish to catch for the catch and release fisherman. i like sinergy's view of the issue, more money for the economy...nice!

Re: [aloneone] lets educate the new fisherman - hollynkait - 07-22-2009

so why not leave a fish and game person there when they stock the fish and either educate or write tickets? Maybe if they monitored community ponds and wrote tickets for law breakers, they could get alot of revenue. There is the money for a proclamation in spanish.

Re: [aloneone] lets educate the new fisherman - aloneone - 07-22-2009

thats another big problem community fisheries are almost never checked by a fish and game person. i have fished cove pond for 3 years now and only been asked for my license one time.

Re: [hollynkait] lets educate the new fisherman - Kent - 07-22-2009

When they stock the fish in the community ponds they frequently plant many of the ponds in the same day. I know at least this is the way that they do the catfish. That makes it extremely difficult to put an officer on each pond, as you suggest. If one observes poaching or other infractions one can try to educate or call the poaching line or both.