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Reel Ecstasy, NH Striped Bass, week ending 8/23/09 - Printable Version

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Reel Ecstasy, NH Striped Bass, week ending 8/23/09 - reel ecstasy - 08-23-2009

[font "Times New Roman"]Fishing Report Week Ending 8/23/09[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]What a difference a day makes! From the worst day of the season to the best! [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The last two weeks have been average striped bass fishing times for Reel Ecstasy.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] Fifteen to twenty striped bass was the typical catch on a fishing trip. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Friday was a different story the morning trip was slooow, maybe 10 fish but this was with 4 seasoned veterans that I have taken out many times before. Then the afternoon came, and it took a turn for the worse, the fishing was just terrible, we caught a few and lost a few but only one spot produced, and then shut off with the tide change.. After that the wind picked up and was in the opposite direction than the current and it just wasn’t happening. On the way home I heard the weather report that there was a tornado warning in effect, well at least we didn’t get caught in a tornado I thought.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]As I drove to the boat to get ready for my Sat. morning trip I pleaded with the powers that be to get the fishing back on track, and we did. We started off with a good pick of midsize fish, and it was apparent that the poor fishing the day before was over. We were about an hour into the trip with about 8 fish released when it was obvious we had a big fish on. Nineteen yr. old Alex was at the rod and fought the fish well. He brought the fish to net without a lot of excitement until we saw it alongside the boat. It was huge, barely fitting into the net. We measured the fish at 46” with an estimated weight of over 40lbs. Absolutely amazing, and on 20lb tackle. You have to realize the state record is 51” so a 46” fish is a big fish. Well as good sports as these guys were, and as much as they wanted to keep one for the grill, we all agreed to let this true trophy go back in the water. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]After a few pictures and some revival swimming, off this beauty went. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]So there you have it, from the worst fishing day in my 10 years of guiding to the biggest Striped bass in my 10 year career. People always ask “how was the fishing yesterday?” [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]It doesn’t matter, it is today.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]I have plenty of open dates for September including a couple of Sat. morning trips if you can’t get off during the week. I don’t guarantee a big fish like this one but we will catch fish, guaranteed. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Tight lines, Capt. Joel[/font]
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