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BassERT, Nick, Bass crappie bream, 8-23-09, Mrs. BassERT - Printable Version

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BassERT, Nick, Bass crappie bream, 8-23-09, Mrs. BassERT - FishNews - 08-24-2009

Let's just call it a Pop-r day!<br /><br />We got a late start and headed out in the LITTLE boat to hole 1.<br />Picked up a little white on the way there and then went to the "system". 1/16 was the deal with crystal and bleeding shad being the winners. Caught a small crappie first and then one almost 13 who weighed like a 14! Very heavy fat and healthy. At first I didn't think I could get it, but I got lucky.<br /><br />The wife hooked up a 10 lb class slimer and it broke off after a mighty battle on the UL. Fun though.<br />Caught a few bream and then...<br /><br />Then the bass were getting our attention and it was on!<br />One after another on UL pop-rs and a small chug bug. We had almost 20 with 4 being keepers. Took some pics, but only little ones and 2-21/2 lbers. Guys fishing on the bank and all kinds of pre-fishing boats came through, but the fish wouldn't quit. Boy are they fun on 6 lb UL!!<br /><br />The bite stayed and so did we. We quit about an hour and a half later than I had planned, you know if they are biting it IS hard to leave.<br />Great day with the wife and the obliging top-water bass! emoCool