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heath j, Riverpark (PB Largemouth), bass, 8/24, RutDog - Printable Version

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heath j, Riverpark (PB Largemouth), bass, 8/24, RutDog - FishNews - 08-29-2009

What a day for bassin guys and gals!!! We hit the park @ aroung 7:30 this mornigng loaded up on shad and headed down to the RR bridge for a few with me getting skunked on our first bait run 4-0. But OMG did it change on our 2nd trip that lead us topside for a round. I made one cast and landed a nice football LM and rigged up and made another and all I felt was a slight pull and I tugged a little and i thought that I was hung up until the log started to move!! I just knew I had hooked me a flatty and so the excitement was Ehhhh emoRolleyes but then she surfaced and Rut and my eyes popped outta our heads emoEek when we seen this hog on the other end of my line!!! I landed her after a good little fight and a ton of babying on my light tackle and i couldn't have asked for a better way to help wash off the skunk from down below!! I guessed her to be around 24-26" long and I don't have a clue on the girth but she was a definate PB for me!!! The fish was looooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg!!!!! We ended up with 15 quality bass not a scrub in the bunch!!! This was no doubt the largest bag for a trip I've had down there all year. Rut managed several quality fish too with a couple solid 4's and several 2's and 3's. Bait was scattered and mixed in size we freelined the shad and fished above and below.