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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 9/26/09, CCSM , 1st place Mckee tournament. - Printable Version

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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 9/26/09, CCSM , 1st place Mckee tournament. - FishNews - 09-30-2009

Boy, was it a wet day to be fishing. emoRain The rain was bad but the lighting was even worse. emoEek Hard to fish today and had to take shelter once the lighting got so bad. There was times we could not even see across the lake the rain was sooooo HARD! I think I just finally dried out. We put about 25 bass in the boat today but to be honest we had a very hard time finding anything of any size. Out of all those there was only six keepers. We thought for sure we would not be in contention and we were very surprised to win it. emoBigSmile Our best five only went 10.95 lbs.<br /><br />Had one keeper on a t-rigged worm, one keeper on a spook and the other four all came on a drop shot. The drop shot bite was in 18 to 22 foot. I did have one big one come up and destroy my spook while I was not looking, CCSM said he saw it and it was at least a 4 + bass. I was looking over toward pointer and missed the hit. CCSM yelled at me and I turned around just in time to try and set the hook but only felt it for a fraction of a second. emoBang That's what I get for not paying attention.<br /><br />It may have been a wet one but we had a great time. I won a rod and reel. CCSM won a golf bag. Also got a nice trophy. Raised some money for United Way as well. Had a great time guys, Ericb thanks for putting it on. emoThumbsup Jmax