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Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - Printable Version

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Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - BearLakeFishGuy - 10-22-2009

Fished with Dubob today. We launched around 7:45 at Cisco Beach. Trolled north and the first fish was a carp on a flatfish. The second fish......yep, another carp on a flatfish. Then the lakers kicked in. We fished all along the east side between South Eden and North Eden. All the lakers were caught in about 10' of water or less on flatlines about 150' behind the boat. Dubob took some pics and when he gets back from BL I hope he shares them. I ended up with one laker going over 14lbs on his scale. One other lakers I caught was tagged. I looked up the tag number and it was tagged by the UDWR from a gillnet on 10/17/1997. That's 12 years and 4 days before I caught it. We released it once again! The fish was marked with a left pelvic/adipose clip which indicated it came from eggs collected from lake trout at Bear Lake and stocked between 1985 & 1987. This would have made the fish between 23-25 years old. When it was tagged in 1997, it was 30" long. I would estimate that it really wasn't much longer than that. Anyway, we also picked up several pup-lakers in the 3-4 lb range too. Good day, flat calm, and great company on the water!

Re: [BearLakeFishGuy] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - weinerz4chopz - 10-22-2009

When you say flatlines what does that mean? And what color of flatfish where you using? Did you try anything besides flatfish? I was going to try Bear Lake on Sunday so any info would help.

Re: [BearLakeFishGuy] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - lavaman - 10-22-2009

Very cool about that tagged Mack. It would be nice to see everyone practice releasing of those fish so that other generations can enjoy that fishery for years and years.

Does anyone know if those Macks have the longest lifespan of all the trout species? I believe they do, but not sure.

Re: [BearLakeFishGuy] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - Kent - 10-22-2009

Sounds like you had a great day Scott. Tempted to head up there Saturday, but the 15 MPH wind forecast may scare me away.

Re: [BearLakeFishGuy] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - Old_Coot - 10-22-2009

That's some very interesting info Scott.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - Theekillerbee - 10-22-2009

He probably meant to write long lines, as that sounds good for diving 7-10' behind the boat.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - fish1on - 10-23-2009

flat lines:

Not using downriggers so you have to let out a bunch of line in order to get some depth/dive while running flatfish or quick fish and many lipped crankbaits.

Colors for me and many others are whites, blue/silver, hot pink, perch, rainbow, and red. But who am I ?? I never catch fish! LOL

Re: [fish1on] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - RILEYFISH - 10-24-2009

Your a liar! you catch just as many or more than most.


Re: [RILEYFISH] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - AFDan52 - 10-24-2009

Hey Mark , I think it has something to do with the way he uses his Thumbs. LMAO

Re: [AFDan52] Bear Lake - 10/21/09 - fish1on - 10-25-2009

Thunbs???? Now that is freaking funny Dan!

Mark, I only catch fish when I am solo. No witnesses to verify certify my catch or weights.