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Are you pro wolf? Are you anti wolf? Quiz yourself. - Printable Version

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Are you pro wolf? Are you anti wolf? Quiz yourself. - catfish-logic - 12-24-2009

Are you a wolf hating extremist? Take the quiz below: Answer yes or no.

1. When you see a Siberian Husky you grab your gun cocked and loaded until you see its just a friendly 'ol husky.

2. Whenever someone at BFT says they love wolves you feel like dressing them up in a "cattle costume" and left at a ranch where wolves have been killing cattle.

3. When you see the Idaho or Wyoming news announce higher elk populations you call the news station and yell at them " 'dem tree hugging enviro fascist got you brainwashed!"

4. You have shot at least 5 or 6 portraits of wolves at folk's homes where you don't live. And whenever you see one on the internet you have shot at least several dozen computer monitors with a 12 guage shotgun.

5. You would rather be abducted by aliens than run into a wolf in the wild.

6. You seen a man wearing a wolf t-shirt. You stick your Tongue at him.

7. You see an attractive blonde wearing a wolf t-shirt you say "Ma'am you should not wear clothing like that around here." And you continue giving her that "serious-hicktown-drunkin'-redneck-look".

8. You have at least 1 t-shirt, 1 bumper sticker that says "Do yourself a favor kill a wolf".

9. You wish the title to your favorite song whether its rock or country was "Wolves Suck".

10. You wish the United States national seal had a dead wolf instead of a bald eagle.

If you selected any one of these your definitely anti wolf. If you selected more than 2 your an anit-wolf extremist.

Are you a wolf loving extremist? Take the quiz below: Answer yes or no.

1. You do a sacred Indian pow wow dance around a bonfire in your backyard praying to an "Animal God" asking the god to establish at least 500,000 breeding pairs of wolves in North America.

2. When you see a BFT post with members saying they hate wolves you feel like dressing them up in a "cattle costume" and left out in the wilderness where wolves thrive.

3. When you see the Idaho or Wyoming news announce higher elk populations you dance around your house and howl like a wolf.

4. You have at least over half a dozen wolf portraits around your house. And you bought one for over 1 million dollars.

5. When you see a wolf in the wild with pups you want to steal one cub, take it home and breed it with your German Shepherd.

6. You see a man wearing a wolf t-shirt your eyes open wide and tell him "Those animals are just sooooooooooo gorgeous! Wow!!!!!"

7. You see an attractive blonde wearing a wolf t-shirt you would consider her for marriage right away without getting to know her. And its not her looks its the fact she may really love wolves as much as you do.

8. You have at least 10 t-shirts, 5 bumper stickers that say:
"Save the wolf"
"Get rid of hunters who hate wolves"
"America needs a wolf for president"
"Hunters that hate wolves are scum"
"If you hate wolves dial 1-800-eat-______" (your choice word in the blank)

9. If you were a famous rock star your video on Mtv would feature wolves attacking hunters.

10. You wish the people of the United States would become wolf-loving-fanatics and have every product for sale with a picture of a wolf, that includes toilet paper, condoms, beer, soda pop, laundry detergent,ect, ect.

If you answered "yes" to at least one of these you are a die hard wolf lover, more than one? Oh my Gosh! Sheesh!

Re: [catfish-logic] Are you pro wolf? Are you anti wolf? Quiz yourself. - IceFanatic3 - 12-24-2009

Nice quiz[cool]