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Gorge Ice? - Eternal_Angler - 02-26-2010

I'm thinking of heading up this Saturday evening for some Burbot fishing. The wife won't let me go until she is reassured that the ice is still thick up there. Any recent reports of ice conditions and fishing sucess?

The Eternal Angler

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - jekern1015 - 02-26-2010

I will be heading over to either Holmes crossing or Anvil. Two weeks ago there was a good 8" of ice at Holmes Crossing and the ice was all the way down to the pipeline. I have heard of good ice at Anvil and will be checking it out on Saturday. The farther north you go the thicker the ice. Good luck with the burbot I will be chasing after them also.

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - wiperhunter2 - 02-26-2010

Welcome to the site EA, in case no one answers your question on the Utah board , try posting it on the Wyoming board. Here is a link to that board:
[url ""][/url]

Re: [wiperhunter2] Gorge Ice? - bigfish6 - 02-26-2010

last weekend their was over a foot of ice at holmes.

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - Ryno - 02-26-2010

Pretty much good ice where there's been ice. Holmes is a safe destination. I fished just downlake from there the other night and had about a foot. Just watch the pressure ridges which will get nastier from here on out. Good luck, Ryno

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - Hooter_Patrol - 02-28-2010

Has anyone been down to the boat ramp at Lucernc
and checked on the ice can we launch yet
I am ready for soft water I need to go trolling
and the HOOTER PATROL needs to get wet!!!!!!!!!!
love my spring fishing on the gorge.

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Gorge Ice? - bigfish6 - 02-28-2010

the ramp had ice going about a hundred feet out last sunday but there was people launching off of swim beach.

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - macksamillion - 02-28-2010

[fishin] i was fishing at buck board friday night and saturday lots of safe ice .[blush]

Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Gorge Ice? - Tarponjim - 02-28-2010

I drove down yesterday. Still frozen all in front of the boat ramp and the marina cove there.

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - Gorgefanatic - 03-01-2010

I fished linwood bay this week end and there was a good 10 to 12 inches of ice every where I drilled.

Re: [Eternal_Angler] Gorge Ice? - Hooter_Patrol - 03-01-2010

Hey thanks guys I'll have to wait a few more weeks it looks like Oh well still early,
It will give me a little more time to get a little more work done before I hit the water for the year hahahah [Wink][fishin]


Re: [Hooter_Patrol] Gorge Ice? - Hooter_Patrol2 - 10-08-2013

but hooter patrol you never made it [frown] because you died!!! :'( [Image: whistle.gif]

Re: [Hooter_Patrol2] Gorge Ice? - albinotrout - 10-08-2013

Welcome HP2, sorry to hear about your grandpa.

Re: [Hooter_Patrol2] Gorge Ice? - bigfish6 - 10-11-2013

Welcome to bft hp2, i meet your g pa once and we chatted on this site about the gorge quite a bit, i dont know your age or situation, but sometimes when someone in the family passes away it changes everything, if you still want to go to the gorge but nobody in your family can or doesnt want to, i would be willing to take you up if you would like. And also thats one chunky brown he caught!