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Albuquerque Angler Lands Alan Henry Lunker - Printable Version

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Albuquerque Angler Lands Alan Henry Lunker - FishNews - 03-23-2010

ATHENS, Texas-Franco Vallejos of Albuquerque, New Mexico, reeled in the season's 25th Budweiser ShareLunker April 13.

Vallejos was fishing in 2 feet of water in Lake Alan Henry when a 13.05-pound largemouth bass hit a live waterdog. The fish was 25.75 inches long and 20 inches around.

The fish was the fourth ShareLunker to come from the lake this season. At the time of writing, TPWD personnel from the Possum Kingdom Fish Hatchery were enroute to Lake Alan Henry to pick up two more fish caught by brothers Mike and Tim Trulove of Colorado on April 14. Both fish were reported to weigh more than 14 pounds; no other details were available.

Lake Fork has produced five ShareLunkers during the current season. Fork's fifth fish was caught April 5 by Robert Jones of Clute.

The 25 fish entered into the Budweiser ShareLunker program so far this season are the largest number of entries since 1996, when 28 fish were entered. The two Trulove fish will bring the total to 27 with two weeks yet to go in the season.

The Budweiser ShareLunker program is made possible through support from Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Since 1991, Anheuser-Busch, in partnership with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, has contributed millions of dollars in funding to support conservation causes and fishing, hunting and outdoor recreation programs in Texas.

Media Contact:

Larry Hodge<br />
(903) 670-2255