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Burbot Next Weekend! - SalmonSlyr22 - 03-27-2010

I've been kind of a lurker on here for a while due to being a "newb" in Utah. But hey I'm ready start posting some reports/pics since I fish once or twice a week and need some occasional morale support lol. Well anyway I've been searching the heck out of the "burbot" posts the last couple days and I still have a few questions that I would love to get answered. Me and a buddy are taking his boat up to the Gorge next Friday through Monday for the obvious combo of lakers and kokes but we're really wanting to go after bots at night. Here's my questions;

1.) Is it any better fishing on the Wyoming side than the Utah side?

2.) Does depth matter as the water warms or do they stay at the same depths year-round?

Thanks in advance for any help and YES I will post a report (WITH PICS!!!!!) when we get back so I no longer have to have the "lurker" title lol. Thanks!

Re: [SalmonSlyr22] Burbot Next Weekend! - jekern1015 - 03-27-2010

The answer to your first question is Wyoming has more burbots, but they are found throughout the whole lake. As far as the depth they go where the food supply is, Look for any rocky area that has a good incline to it and you will catch them. I was fishing for them about a month ago off the island at Anvil in 45' of water. I have also caught them just north of the boat ramp at Holmes crossing in 25'-50'. They were all full of crawdads and small burbot.

Re: [jekern1015] Burbot Next Weekend! - SalmonSlyr22 - 03-27-2010

Great! Thanks for the reply!

Re: [SalmonSlyr22] Burbot Next Weekend! - Gorgefanatic - 03-27-2010

I caught some burbs in linwood bay this winter through the ice and they seemed to be a little bigger i think the most important thing to look at is weather or not they were getting pounded during the winter. and the utah side dosnt get half the pressure that the wyomming side dose.

Re: [SalmonSlyr22] Burbot Next Weekend! - Hook_Setter - 03-28-2010

Hey SalmonSlyr, don't you actually have to be able to catch some Salmon to be considered a slayer? LOL! Not going to get a hole lot of Salmon in Utah, maybe Kokanee but that is about it. Hey Dude you up for DC Monday?

Re: [Hook_Setter] Burbot Next Weekend! - SalmonSlyr22 - 03-28-2010

Yea that's the biggest thing I miss about living in Utah is not having the ocean here! Yea I'm down for DC on Monday. I went up there on Friday and didn't get a bite in 2 hrs. so I packed it up and slayed 'em in the river. I think that snow storm on Friday had the fish all screwed up. There were 2 other guys there and between the 3 of us we didn't get 1 bite from 7-9. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 6am at your place?

Re: [SalmonSlyr22] Burbot Next Weekend! - Hook_Setter - 03-29-2010

I miss ocean also, that is ok, go up to Flamming Gorge and get some of those Mac's, next best thing to catching salmon.