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jordan river - zipp - 03-29-2010

notice that the jordan river is flowing alot slower since last week. has anyone fished it lately? if so how did you do

Re: [zipp] jordan river - lov2fish - 03-29-2010;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread

see my older post.

Re: [lov2fish] jordan river - bmitchell - 03-29-2010

Never fished the Jordan before but is there one section that is more heavily fished than another? Is it legal to fish anywhere along it? I live in Ogden but coach tournaments near 7th South and Redwood road and thought of trying it in the down time. Anyone know if that is likely to produce? Or do you have to go further south to get anything? Not even sure what I would find along there. Thanks.

Re: [bmitchell] jordan river - zipp - 03-29-2010

As far a i know you can fish the river as long as there isnt any private property along the river you should be fine. i have never fished that far north. the farest north that i have fished is 90th south most of my fishing is from 12600so. and to the lake

Re: [zipp] jordan river - robpeterson - 03-30-2010

do you now any good access points to get there

Re: [zipp] jordan river - NiteFisher - 03-30-2010

I fished at the pumphouse yesterday. They've closed all but one gate and the river looks about 4' lower than a couple weeks ago. The water is below the weed line and just after the gates is only like a foot deep so I lost a lot of jigs in the rocks. Only caught 1 very small catfish after about 3 hrs of fishing. The water level needs to come up above the weeds so the white bass will come in.

Re: [NiteFisher] jordan river - robpeterson - 03-30-2010

Has any one fished at like 13600 so and if so is it hard to get access

Re: [robpeterson] jordan river - FishKillr - 03-30-2010

I have never fished it that far down south. I have fished the SLC area south till 7000 then the UL side up a mile or so. Looking at google maps, it does appear that there is some good points. I just zoomed in and there are a ton of dirt roads and other access points around the Ban. Hwy. That is how I get to most of my spots is by looking at google maps first and getting some directions to a few possiablites, then usually a few fail, but there is always a few uncrowded fish condos to be found.

Re: [FishKillr] jordan river - robpeterson - 03-30-2010

Ok thanks. I looked and I might try the south side of bangeder tomorrow evening. There is some walking trails there. And a spot to park

Re: [NiteFisher] jordan river - zipp - 03-30-2010

i have a question wouldnt you want the water level to be lower so the fish will be more closer together in the deeper holes.