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Help protect Indiana's Natural Resources - Printable Version

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Help protect Indiana's Natural Resources - FishNews - 04-07-2010

If you and your family are looking for a charity to support this holiday season, consider the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation.

The foundation's mission is to support and sustain the Indiana DNR educational and scientific programs. Since our founding in 1990 we have helped protect and restore more than 9,000 acres of habitat and have supported educational programs that have reached more than 1 million children and adults across the state.<br />
Our goals for 2010 include protecting and restoring 1,500 acres of wetlands, forest and prairie, providing a free outdoor recreation program for 20,000 children and adults and continuing to support our naturalist and environmental educational programs that reach hundreds of thousands each year.<br />
If you love Indiana's parks, nature preserves, wildlife and the great outdoors then please consider investing; your generosity will help protect and restore Indiana's natural heritage.<br />
Donate Today!