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Kayak Angler Towed 11 Miles by Blue Marlin - Printable Version

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Kayak Angler Towed 11 Miles by Blue Marlin - FishNews - 04-21-2010

April 20, 2010 - Baja, Mexico - During the shooting of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons TV series, Howard McKim of Ketchikan Alaska hooked up with a monstrous blue marlin and got towed 11 miles out to sea over a 5-hour period. For the first time, the complete battle can now be watched online in high definition. <a href="">CLICK HERE</a> to watch the video

The incredible video segment was produced by The Heliconia Press and released through their Kayak Fishing Tales WebTV channel. Every week (52 times per year), a new Kayak Fishing Tales episode is released and broadcast through a large and growing network of online media channels.

About The Heliconia Press

The Heliconia Press is an award-winning book publishing, DVD and TV production company that specializes in outdoor pursuits. For more information about Heliconia and their products, visit

Media Contact
Show Producer, Ken Whiting, (613) 582-7154