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New in Pa - Printable Version

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New in Pa - Megladon53 - 05-28-2010

Hello All,
Megladon here A.K.A. John. Just joined and I am looking for tips, on catching more bass, Walleye,Perch, Musky, and Trout
I live in The southeastern part of Pa Bucks County.
Levittown Area
Just goy back into fishing Last year and WOW have things changed over the last 15yrs
That's all For Now [fishin]

Re: [Megladon53] New in Pa - wiperhunter2 - 05-29-2010

Welcome to the site John, here is a link to our freshwater fishing boards, including boards for Bass, Walleye, Perch, Musky, and Trout.
[url ""][/url]
Yea, a lot can change in 15 years, hope you enjoy the new look of fishing[Wink].

Re: [Megladon53] New in Pa - macfly55 - 05-29-2010

hiya John.. welcome to the site.. WH2 has sent you to the best board to answer your questions and help you get reoriented to todays fishing... (some of its like computer.. as soon as you take out the store door its out of date.. :-) ) ..

your profile picture is interesting.. it looks like a collection of arrowheads.. is that true..??


Re: [macfly55] New in Pa - Megladon53 - 05-29-2010

No Mac sorry they are not Arrowheads something a little older most are prehistoric Shark teeth from Venice Beach Fla and bones from mammals. the larger Teeth are from The Megladon they grew to be over 60' in length

Re: [Megladon53] New in Pa - macfly55 - 05-30-2010

awesome... looking at them again I can see the difference.. but now that you have my curiosity the large piece center top.. what is that??

MacFly [cool]

Re: [Megladon53] New in Pa - Dryrod - 05-31-2010

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Image: happy.gif]Hi there John and welcome to the rolls of the BFT.[/#008000][/font]