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Kitty abuse at Willard - Printable Version

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Kitty abuse at Willard - TubeDude - 07-08-2010

[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe and I met up with BFTer Hnaf at the So. Marina on Willard this morning about sixish. We got launched by about 6:30. Air temp 60 and water temp 70. Clear with a light breeze. My kinda conditions.

TubeBabe caught the first kitty about 6:45 and the second a few minutes later. So, since she had the first fish jinx out of the way I could start fishing. Tossed out a minnow on one line and pitched a tandem jig rig on the other rod. Bang bang. Two kitties in quick succession. One on white plastic and the other on blue/clear sparkle plastic.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Then, a long dry spell for everybody. Saw a ton of shad on the sonar screen. They were thick at all depths. Probably why the fish were not more active. No need to feed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I started moving toward the hog farm...and my kitty fish honey hole. Paused briefly to get roughed up and released by a wiper. Hit my plastics, put the line over his shoulder and made line scream off my light reel. Silly inexperienced fish. Didn't know how to hang on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Once I reached "the zone" I began getting regular "inquiries" on my bait rod. Added a couple of kitties to the basket and hollered to TubeBabe and Brian to come down and join in the fun. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had my limit of 8 and was releasing fish by the time the other two in the mini floatilla got into kitty country. Then the bite only lasted a while longer as the wind came up a bit and kept changing directions. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By 10 AM the breeze from the SW was picking up and even though TubeBabe and I have motors on our tubes now we did not want to push our luck. So we started back. Brian...motorless...had caught the clue and was kicking his way back to the marina too. It took us another hour of fruitless fishing to make it inside. But we could have quit at 10 and not missed more than a couple of "pop and drops".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No skunks today. We all brought home dinner. TubeBabe finished with a respectable 7 and Brian got to fillet about 5 nice fat cookies for his table. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There were a few boats out of the So. Marina today but I did not really get to talk to anybody except a couple of folks that were pretty clueless...and fishless. Not sure how the day turned out for others around the lake. Us? We are always glad to find some cookie cutter kitties to play with. They usually turn a wiperless and wallieless day into a fun day...and some good eats.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Kitty abuse at Willard - idahoron - 07-09-2010

Bad kitty, bad bad kitty!!!!
I wish I could get somewhere with some cats!! Ron

Re: [TubeDude] Kitty abuse at Willard - idahopanfish - 07-09-2010

Here kitty, kitty kitty. It would be fun to have connection with the kitties like you do.

Re: [TubeDude] Kitty abuse at Willard - Bassassin714 - 07-09-2010

Man that looked like a great time. I love me some kitties, got me all in the mood..... Wish I could get me some right meow!!!

Re: [TubeDude] Kitty abuse at Willard - ParrMark - 07-12-2010

Nice mess o' whiskers![cool]

Re: [ParrMark] Kitty abuse at Willard - TubeDude - 07-12-2010

[cool][#0000ff]Where you been? Middle of July and you just comin' out of hibernation?[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Kitty abuse at Willard - CoyoteSpinner - 07-13-2010

As always Pat - you present such a nice story and photo essay of your SUCCESSFUL outings. Thanks for sharing.

Ok, so I'm either taking the boat to work, and hauling off to Benson/Cutler after work, and booking down to Willard for a weekday - after work. But dang, it's getting HOT!

Tried to take the Penna nephews to Mantua for some 4-SURE fishing. Alas - we smelled skunk instead (literally at one point). A couple bluegill, but the bass had moved off their beds, and the Trout didn't seem to want to play chase and seek midlake. For once I got out early, but not early enuf. The nephews flew in Wed night, arrived to Providence about 1:30 am, then dragged out of bed with a hope of 5:30 departure. (college students can DO that!) Actually hit water about 6:30, and the sun was up. Shoot.

Spent most of the morning tying and retying for everyone. Had some fresh "cut bait" - ala pond fish that'd passed. Carp in essence.

Still thinnin maybe a Newton or Pineview or Willard adventure for big beasts might have been worthwhile. At least my Bro-n-Law was a good sport, and recognizes - there's never a guarantee. (though he's been Tarpin fishing, and other deep sea adventures. Got to watch the boyz pull in Marlin in Mexico! That was sweet!)
Just disappointed I couldn't take them out for some action!
Maybe shoulda just taken them to Sherman's Pond for some simple trout tugs!

Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Kitty abuse at Willard - TubeDude - 07-13-2010

[cool][#0000ff]Sorry about your bust at Mantua. I love that lake and it usually treats me pretty good this time of year. But, as you noted, the weather can be hotter than the fishing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you have better luck on your next excursions. Always good when you can show visitors a few fish.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Kitty abuse at Willard - ParrMark - 07-13-2010

[quote TubeDude][cool][#0000ff]Where you been? Middle of July and you just comin' out of hibernation?[/#0000ff][/quote]

It really feels that way Pat - I can't believe its already mid July.

It seems like I've either been traveling or camped out in the office - more of the latter for sure.

I am taking off for the high country in the morning for four days. I'll be backpacking in the Uintas waiving the fairy wand at micro-slimers. But, it will be fun and nice to get out where I can breathe... And think. I also have a weeklong in the Wind River range scheduled in a month where the slimers won't be so "micro". We'll be prospecting for big "Gold" if ya know whatta mean?

Thanks for your always great reports Pat. They keep me going through the dry periods in my life.


Re: [ParrMark] Kitty abuse at Willard - TubeDude - 07-13-2010

[cool][#0000ff]Good luck on your trip. Sounds like you are long overdue for a "brain broom" (my term).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I hear there are still some decent goldens in some of the remote lakes...but not the world record size of many long years ago. But, all high mountain fish are jewels to be savored and admired. It is all part of the restorative process...and it works.[/#0000ff]