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Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - atvaholic - 07-17-2010

Hi, I have a water skeeter pontoon boat, im not sure the model but I have had it for about 4 years. I seem to have a problem filling the bladders substantially. The problem is, the "valve" system seems to stay open when I remove the pump and I seem to lose significant amount of air before I can close it.

I'm sure im doing something there a trick to keeping this full? My float tube automatically closes as soon as I remove the pump fitting...any ideas?

Re: [atvaholic] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - TubeDude - 07-17-2010

[cool][#0000ff]Sorry. Not familiar with the valves on a WS. Can you provide a picture?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If the valves are merely sticking, the internal parts may need cleaning or lubricating. If they are a type that requires you to quickly put a cap on, then it is more difficult. The best you can do is overinflate to compensate for potential air loss. If the valves have a long stem you can bend them over to slow or prevent air loss while capping.[/#0000ff]

Re: [atvaholic] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - flygoddess - 07-17-2010

First off, do you have the VALVE ADAPTOR? It needs one. I had the Day Tripper and 99% sure it is the same valve.
I never experienced what you are so I just thought it could be this.

Also, Bass Pro quit carrying them, Orvis switched to a different company...I am betting they are no longer

I did find this, plus several more bad reviews while surfing.

Sorry, and good luck

Re: [flygoddess] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - atvaholic - 07-17-2010


I do have the adaptor and it looks like this:
[Image: 1492_1_500x500.jpg]
They way I see it the valve has 2 operations:
1. Valve open(push down and twist) - The valve is wide open. the pontoon fills quickly, but when I remove the adaptor I imediatly lose air pressure until I manually close the valve

2. Valve closed (twist and pops up) - I cant seem to fill it this way, but this is the way It needs to be to holds the air.

I hope this explains it better, maybe somebody will have an idea.

Re: [atvaholic] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - cpierce - 07-17-2010

What are you filling with? We have some pontoons that use an adaptor that look like that one. With the valve closed I can't blow it up by mouth, or even with one of the smaller pumps that we have, but I can fill it with a two stroke hand pump that uses a little higher pressure to push the air in. It maybe a different valve as ours is a pop up only - no twist to close.
Good luck!

Re: [cpierce] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - atvaholic - 07-17-2010

Thanks Cpierce, I never thought of that! I am filling with a small 12V pump as pumping by hand takes forever. I filled with the 12v pump, closed the valves and then finished with the hand pump, that did the trick! Thanks!

Re: [atvaholic] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - flygoddess - 07-17-2010

Well, there you have it...I guess we needed a little more info.[Wink]
I use a LVM but always top off with a hand.

Re: [atvaholic] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - TubeDude - 07-17-2010

[cool][#0000ff]Okay, I am going to guess that you are trying to fill it with an electric compressor that does not have enough pressure to open the valve. If you use a good two way hand pump or similar you should be able to get plenty of air in the valve in the popped up and closed position. The depressed and open position is only to release air and it should be closed while filling.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - flygoddess - 07-17-2010

On my Outlaw, the LVM pump won't inflate it with the Halkey Valve closed. So I open it and inflate. Quickly close it but I do loose air. Got it down now to inflate majority with the LVM then 15 to 20 pumps on the K.

The new valves on the Escape however, can be inflated in the closed position with the LVM. But I still need to top it off because most pumps will not go to 3 lbs..which is okay with me. No over inflated that way.

Re: [flygoddess] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - peter805 - 07-17-2010

Thats what I do. 12v pump get it about 95% full with the valves open. Then "kwik" valve closing by hand and fill
the rest with hand pump.
Works good after couple of "first times".[Wink]


Re: [flygoddess] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - pontoonman - 07-17-2010

Hi, FG. The airhead pump has an adapter which presses on the Halkey valve and allows filling to full pressure. It is the longish one pictured near the battery clips in this pic.

So you fill to about until the sides are firm (2#), then quickly twist out the adapter by 1/4 turn, while the pump is STILL RUNNING. If you turn off the pump before disconnecting the adapter, most of the air will leak back out by the time you twist out the adapter. Thats why I really like this pump, I don't have to top off my lower pressure inflatables and always know that I haven't over pressurized.

Hope this helps.


[quote flygoddess]On my Outlaw, the LVM pump won't inflate it with the Halkey Valve closed. So I open it and inflate. Quickly close it but I do loose air. Got it down now to inflate majority with the LVM then 15 to 20 pumps on the K.

The new valves on the Escape however, can be inflated in the closed position with the LVM. But I still need to top it off because most pumps will not go to 3 lbs..which is okay with me. No over inflated that way.[/quote]

Re: [pontoonman] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - flygoddess - 07-18-2010

Just my experience and see allot of explosions...topping off by hand is the only way to go.
As I said before, had a friend with a brand new Sky. Had this pump WITH a gauge. Pumped the boat up to 2 lbs (according to the gauge) and BOOM....replaced and did it again, ...not a coincident after the third time. Finally checked the pump....READ 2 lb, but in truth it was 4 lb.

There has been three others to do this since (different pumps however) and that is just people "I" know.

Don't trust pump gauges...for good reason. And I have never had a blow out in well over a quarter of a century.[Wink]

All pumps are not created equal....even the same brand[crazy]

Oh, as far as the pump...I had that one, I am dead serious...okay pump, but the LVM is so much easier and nicer. But that pump is an excellent suggestion. I would still top off by hand though[Wink][Wink][Wink]

Pontoonman, PLEASE keep providing these do have some great stuff there.

Re: [flygoddess] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - pontoonman - 07-18-2010

FG, I can see where youre coming from, never want to risk a blowout. The pump I posted is NOT a PISTON compressor type, but an impeller blade (fan type blower) pump and is not capable of going over the rating because of the reverse pressure escaping faster (very leaky pump) than it can be put in when it reaches maximum. This pump can be run to point of overheating and burning up, and still the pressure cannot go beyond maximum design. Several hundred pressure checks have always produced the same reading for me after it maxes out, even with different guages, so this consistency means worry free inflation to the pump max.

Sometimes I do have to top off for the pontoons that require pressure above the pumps maximum, which it cant reach.



[quote flygoddess]Just my experience and see allot of explosions...topping off by hand is the only way to go.
As I said before, had a friend with a brand new Sky. Had this pump WITH a gauge. Pumped the boat up to 2 lbs (according to the gauge) and BOOM....replaced and did it again, ...not a coincident after the third time. Finally checked the pump....READ 2 lb, but in truth it was 4 lb.

There has been three others to do this since (different pumps however) and that is just people "I" know.

Don't trust pump gauges...for good reason. And I have never had a blow out in well over a quarter of a century.[Wink]

All pumps are not created equal....even the same brand[crazy]

Oh, as far as the pump...I had that one, I am dead serious...okay pump, but the LVM is so much easier and nicer. But that pump is an excellent suggestion. I would still top off by hand though[Wink][Wink][Wink]

Pontoonman, PLEASE keep providing these do have some great stuff there.[/quote]

Re: [pontoonman] Pontoon Boat - Filling Basics - peter805 - 07-18-2010

I have the very same pump. Used it twice for now and Im
happy with it. I DO hand top off. No gauge I just "feel'
the toons. Thats what I did with the float tube and
never had any problems.
Maybe one day I get a gauge just for fun.[Smile]
