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Preston area lakes? - Printable Version

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Preston area lakes? - cpierce - 09-01-2010

Does any one have any information on the Preston area?

How low are the lakes? Is Glendale down past the boat ramp? ETC.


Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - kochanut - 09-01-2010

my brother was just up there the other day;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread

Re: [kochanut] Preston area lakes? - cpierce - 09-01-2010

Thanks, I had missed seeing his post. I scrolled down and picked it up.

Glendale doesn't seem to be as low as I thought it might be.

Anybody done any fishing in the area lately?

Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - dma_ayotte - 09-01-2010

Going down in the Morning but for catfishing mostly.

Re: [dma_ayotte] Preston area lakes? - cpierce - 09-01-2010

Do some of the lakes have catfish? Or are you going on the river?

Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - dma_ayotte - 09-01-2010

Just the Bear River I catfish.

Re: [dma_ayotte] Preston area lakes? - cpierce - 09-01-2010

I hope that you give us a report. I have been kind of curious about the river.

Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - dma_ayotte - 09-01-2010

I sure will. Ill try to figure out this pix posting thing off my phone so I can do pix as well. No pc right now.

Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - gstott - 09-01-2010

I was going to give Condie a try on Friday as I had the day off, but I ended up home with a nasty stomach bug instead. Maybe this Friday I'll make it out. I'll let you know what I find.

Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - duksnfish - 09-01-2010

I fished Glenndale about 2 weeks ago, look lower for the link on Glenndale instead of repeating here, but did awesome on slabs and gills besides a 6lb bow.

Re: [duksnfish] Preston area lakes? - cpierce - 09-01-2010

I should have just added to your post. I remembered it, but actually thought it was longer ago than just 2 wks! Time flies!!

Thanks for bringing it back to my attention.

Re: [cpierce] Preston area lakes? - FishingSteve - 09-06-2010

A friend of mine from work asked me to run out to Foster to see how full it was, he lived around there as a kid and always fished it this time of year. My wife wanted to go for a ride too, so I threw in the poles just in case. The lake is almost to its winter level and there were fish jumping around the shores. We fished for about 1/2 hour and caught 3 fish before it got dark and the mosquitoes attacked. I was surprised at how big they were, knowing they were just planted this spring.