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Who's got there buck??? - Printable Version

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Who's got there buck??? - hedgesd - 08-22-2003

Anybody bag a buck yet and lets hear some of those good hunting stories. I'll post the picture of our new member of the family when the picture get back.

Re: [hedgesd] Who's got there buck??? - Flagmanonice - 08-22-2003

[Smile] Bow season dose'nt start till the middle of Sept for us in Minnesota , where are you at ?


Re: [Flagmanonice] Who's got there buck??? - hedgesd - 08-27-2003

Here in Utah our bow hunt starts in August 15 and runs about 4 weeks. Here's the picture of my bros buck.

Re: [hedgesd] Who's got there buck??? - Flagmanonice - 08-27-2003

[Wink][Wink][Tongue]Awesome buck , tell your bro congrats !!!! Good luck on getting yours hedgesd !!!!


Re: [hedgesd] Who's got there buck??? - davetclown - 09-02-2003

here in michigan the season dose not open thill the fiers of october.

runs the entire month. closes for november opens again december first and runs till the first of the year.

I got my spot picked out all ready. no baiting all stelth.

Re: [Flagmanonice] Who's got there buck??? - lou - 09-02-2003

hey flag, ours don,t start till oct.4 here either. wish ours started a little earlier.

Re: [lou] Who's got there buck??? - hedgesd - 09-02-2003

The deer hunt starts at the right time but the elk hunt is way to early. It starts a week after the buck hunt and last about 3 weeks. The rut doesn't even start until the rifle hunt and they all shoot the bigest bulls of the back of cows. Actually the call them in and blow them away but it still isn't fair for the bow hunters who can't call a elk in or even locate them because the don't really start bugling until about a week after the hunt is over. Baiting isn't allowed in Utah either but I think it's a good thing. I think most of the diseases are spread this way and I'm sure you all know about the dangers of CWD.

We don't have the same buck numbers like 40 per square mile like some of the places back east but when you find deer there in good groups or atleast that was the way it was before the DWR and this drought killed them off. A good unit is more like 5 to 10 per mile but that's trophy areas. The general unit is around 2 to 5 per square mile.

Re: [hedgesd] Who's got there buck??? - lou - 09-03-2003

hi guy why,s that it starts so early? do they got a reason? not cause they,re takin too many is it?? from most places i,ve seen em huntin em there looks like plenty. but probably ain,t where your at though huh?? maybe it,s just they figure ya need a breather? hahahaha that makes it kinda tough to tryin to call em in when theyre not even buglin for the bow hunters. i,ve never been. but they look massive on tv they git. huh? well thanks fer the input. it,s cool to see what other states do and don,t do and why. learn quite a bit. later

Re: [davetclown] Who's got there buck??? - lou - 09-03-2003

hey dave mine either, i had to laugh at your sticker there. my jack has one on the back of the truck thatsays," fish tremble at the sound of my name." they,re both good but thought of it when i saw it. hahaha

Re: [lou] Who's got there buck??? - davetclown - 09-04-2003
